Deductive database

  • How rules are interpreted in deductive database?

    The deductive database then interprets all rules using various methods.
    Interpretation of rules the fact is considered as axioms.
    Rules are also called deductive axioms and are used to construct a proof that derives new facts from existing facts.Feb 14, 2023.

  • A deductive database is a database system that makes conclusions about its data based on a set of well-defined rules and facts.
    This type of database was developed to combine logic programming with relational database management systems.
  • A deductive database is a database system that makes conclusions about its data based on a set of well-defined rules and facts.
    This type of database was developed to combine logic programming with relational database management systems.Dec 31, 2022
Deductive databases offer elegant and powerful ways of managing complex data in a declarative way, especially for information that is derived by use of recursion. Deductive systems typically provide a declarative query language such as a logic programming language (e.g., Prolog).


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