Demographic equation sociology definition

  • What is the definition of demographic equation?

    Demographic equation is the mathematical equation which helps determine the change in population over a period of time.
    It is the number of births minus deaths plus or minus the net migration..

  • What is the demographic base equation?

    Human population growth depends on the rate of natural increase, or the fertility rate minus the mortality rate, and net migration.
    The basics of demography can be reduced to this formula: (Births – Deaths) +/- ((In-Migration) – (Out Migration)) = Population Change.Feb 19, 2021.

Demographic balancing equation: equation that calculates population change from year to year; total population +/- natural increase +/- net migration = balanced population. Natural increase: the population change from births and deaths.


Demographic thoughts traced back to antiquity, and were present in many civilisations and cultures, like Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, China and India.
Made up of the prefix demo- and the suffix -graphy, the term demography refers to the overall study of population.[citation needed] In ancient Greece, this can be found in the writings of Herodotus,.



Demography is the statistical and mathematical study of the size, composition, and spatial distribution of human populations and how these features change over time.
Data are obtained from a census of the population and from registries: records of events like birth, deaths, migrations, marriages, divorces, diseases, and employment.
To do this, ther.


What is the basic demographic equation?

We may write this as the following equation:

  1. and t + 1

Equation (1.1) is known as the basic demographic equation, or sometimes as the demographic balancing or accounting equation.
It states that the size of an area’s population can change because of only three types of event:births, deaths, and migrations.

Why is demography a scientiic study?

Hence, demography may be more broadly deined as the scientiic study of the size, composition, and distribution of human populations and their changes resulting from fertility, mortality, and migration.


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