Demographic sociology

  • What is a demographic and example?

    Demographics refer to the specific characteristics within a given population and include such things as age, income level and geographic location.
    Demographic data can be collected in several ways, such as focus groups, surveys and polls, census collection and psychographic research..

Is demography a social science?

Demography tracks population trends over time.
Demography is a branch of social sciences that deals with the population of humans, changes in the population, and their interactions with the environment, political factors, as well as socio-economic factors.


What is the relation of demography to sociology?

What is the relationship of sociology and demography.
The intimate relationship between sociology and demography does not mean that both are the same.
Sociology study society as a whole system while demography study it as a type.
The demographic study is statistical while the sociological study is theoretical as well as qualitative.


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