Socio demographics characteristics

  • What are socio demographic components?

    Sociodemographic and economic data are collected and made available periodically in an aggregate form.
    Examples of such data include population, age distribution, education level distribution, and unemployment rate..

  • What are the characteristics of social demography?

    Its major focus is the impact of social and cultural factors on demographic features of society, such as patterns of marriage and childbearing, the age-structure of the population, life-expectancy, and so forth..

  • What are the demographic characteristics of the society?

    Demographic data can come in many forms, but most often describes the distribution of characteristics found in populations such as age, sex/gender, marital status, household structure, income, wealth, education, religion, and so on - and to see how these are changing over time..

  • Socio-demographic factors measured included age, sex, parental status, education and area-level socio-economic disadvantage.
  • Socio-economic Characteristics means quantitative factors that provide a direct or indirect measure of the social and economic status of a group of people; Sample .
    1. Sample 2

How does age affect socio-demographic variables?

From the other socio-demographic variables, age had a significant effect only on the 'SORM' scale (older people tend to have more functioning problems); education on the 'SCR' and 'SL' scales (lower education associated with more problems); and employment status on the 'SORM' and 'MSCR' scales (unemployed status associated with more problems).


Which sociodemographic characteristics are associated with cancer?

Among sociodemographic characteristics, age seems to be the most important, since cancer incidence and prevalence increases with age, and several personality characteristics are also associated with age (e.g., introversion).
When cancer groups are compared with other participants, age should be controlled (e.g., Fernández-Ballesteros et al. 1998 ).


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Socio demographic variable