Demography greece

  • What are the demographics of Greece by race?

    0–14 years14.1%15–64 years63.3%65 and over22.6%Sex ratio.

  • What is the age demographic of Greece?

    This trend is projected to continue, resulting in a population of 9.03 million by 2050 and 6.61 million by 2099.
    Contributing factors to this decline include a very low fertility rate of 1.3 births per woman, emigration, the financial crisis, and an aging population..

  • What is the demographic of Greece?

    Ethnic groups
    Greek 91.6%, Albanian 4.4%, other 4% (2011 est.).

  • What is the demographic profile in Greece?

    10,569,703 (July 2021 est.) The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information.
    Greek Orthodox 81-90%, Muslim 2%, other 3%, none 4-15%, unspecified 1% (2015 est.) 65 years and over: 22.43% (male 1,057,317/female 1,322,176) (2020 est.).

  • What is the demographic profile in Greece?

    This statistic depicts the age distribution of Greece from 2012 to 2022.
    In 2022, about 13.87 percent of the Greek population fell into the 0-14 year category, 63.31 percent into the 15-64 age group and 22.82 percent were over 65 years of age..

  • What is the demography of Greece?

    The population of Greece was estimated by the United Nations to be 10,445,365 in 2021 (including displaced refugees). -1.01 people/1,000 population (2010 est.) 7.9 births/1,000 population (2020 est.) 12.3 deaths/1,000 population (July 2020 est.).

  • What is the Greek origin of demography?

    The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something" — so literally demography means "writing about the people." Like many branches of the sciences, demography began in the 19th century, when the general craze for cataloging .

  • The current population of Greece in 2023 is 10,341,277, a 0.42% decline from 2022.
    The population of Greece in 2022 was 10,384,971, a 0.58% decline from 2021.
    The population of Greece in 2021 was 10,445,365, a 0.64% decline from 2020.
    The population of Greece in 2020 was 10,512,232, a 0.58% decline from 2019.
Greece is a country in southeastern Europe with thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian seas. Influential in ancient times, it's often called the cradle of Western civilization. Athens, its capital, retains landmarks including the 5th-century B.C. Acropolis citadel with the Parthenon temple. Greece is also known for its beaches, from the black sands of Santorini to the party resorts of Mykonos.
The Demographics of Greece refer to the demography of the population that inhabits the Greek peninsula. The population of Greece was estimated by the United  Demographic history of Minorities in GreeceImmigration
The population of Greece was estimated by the United Nations to be 10,445,365 in 2021 (including displaced refugees). -1.01 people/1,000 population (2010 est.) 7.9 births/1,000 population (2020 est.) 12.3 deaths/1,000 population (July 2020 est.)


The Demographics of Greece refer to the demography of the population that inhabits the Greek peninsula

Historical overview

Greece was inhabited as early as the Paleolithic period. Prior to the 2nd millennium BC

Other demographic statistics

Demographic statistics according to the World Population Review in 2019

Ethnic groups, languages and religion

The population of northern Greece has primarily been ethnically, religiously and linguistically diverse


Greek education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 15

How many people live in Greece?

Using the 2017 population of 10

77 million, Greece has a population density of 211 people per square mile (82 per square kilometer), which ranks 97th in the world

The largest city and capital is the ancient city of Athens

Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world with a recorded history going back at least 3,400 years

What is the population density in Greece?

The population density in Greece is 80 per Km 2 (208 people per mi 2 )

The median age in Greece is 45 5 years 1

Updated on July 16, 2023 with the latest July 2023-July 2024 estimates from the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division

What is the population of Greece in 2023?

Chart and table of Greece population from 1950 to 2023

United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100

The current population of Greece in 2023 is 10,341,277, a 0

42% decline from 2022

The population of Greece in 2022 was 10,384,971, a 0

58% decline from 2021
Demographics of Greece The total population of Greece is 11,142,161 people. People in Greece speak the Greek language. The linguistic diversity of Greece is almost homogeneous according to a fractionalization scale which for Greece is 0.03. The median age is approximately 43.5 years.Greek Orthodox 81-90%, Muslim 2%, other 3%, none 4-15%, unspecified 1% (2015 est.) Age structure 0-14 years: 14.02% (male 758,311/female 713,794) 15-64 years: 62.66% (male 3,285,484/female 3,292,524) 65 years and over: 23.31% (2023 est.) (male 1,086,188/female 1,361,294)
Demography greece
Demography greece
The people of Cyprus are broadly divided into two main ethnic communities, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who share many cultural traits but maintain distinct identities based on ethnicity, religion, language, and close ties with Greece and Turkey respectively.
Before the dispute started in 1964 the peoples of Cyprus were dispersed over the entire island.

Aspect of history

Agriculture came to Europe from Asia via the Balkans, which were one of the first areas in Europe to experience the neolithic transformation.
As early as 5000 BC the area's Mesolithic population had been transformed into a peasant society of 250,000 people, which in turn grew to 2,000,000 people by the Bronze Age.
By then the art of writing had been imported to Greece.


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