Demography of london

  • 59.2% people are white, 13.7% people are asian, 10.2% people are black. 42.3% are Christian, 28.4% have no religion, 14.9% are Muslim. 53.3% households have no car, 36.8% households have 1 car, 8.3% households have 2 cars.
  • What are the demographics of London 2023?

    59.8% out of the total population are White, among which 44.9% are White-British, 2.2% of Irish White and 12.2% of White from various parts of globe.
    Asians are filling 20.9% of the London populace.
    Asian statistics include 6.6% of Indians, 2.7% of Pakistan and 2.7% of Bangladesh..

  • What are the demographics of London in 2023?

    59.8% out of the total population are White, among which 44.9% are White-British, 2.2% of Irish White and 12.2% of White from various parts of globe.
    Asians are filling 20.9% of the London populace.
    Asian statistics include 6.6% of Indians, 2.7% of Pakistan and 2.7% of Bangladesh..

  • What are the demographics of London?

    Summary of Regional ethnic diversity Areas of England and Wales by ethnicity Summary. 2021 Census data for England and Wales shows that: the most ethnically diverse region was London – 46.2% of residents identified with Asian, black, mixed or 'other' ethnic groups, and a further 17.0% with white ethnic minorities.Dec 22, 2022.

  • What is the demographics of the UK?

    The United Kingdom's population is predominantly White British (81.88% at the 2011 Census), but due to migration from Commonwealth nations, Britain has become ethnically diverse.
    The second and third largest non-white racial groups are Asian British at 7% of the population, followed by Black British people at 3%..

  • What is the ethnic majority in London?

    Whites form a majority of London's population and are evenly spread.
    Bromley has the highest White British population as well as highest total White, while Newham has the lowest for both..

  • The United Kingdom's population is predominantly White British (81.88% at the 2011 Census), but due to migration from Commonwealth nations, Britain has become ethnically diverse.
    The second and third largest non-white racial groups are Asian British at 7% of the population, followed by Black British people at 3%.
The total population of London as of 2021 is 8,799,800. Demographics of London. Population pyramid of London. Population  PopulationEthnicityCountry of birthReligionPopulation: 8,799,800 (2021)
Nationality: British
Growth rate: 7.7% (2011 - 2021)
Density: 5,854/km2 (15,160/sq mi) (2020 estimates)


Through the London Government Act of 1963, the Greater London region was established officially in 1965


The historical population for the current area of Greater London


For the overwhelming majority of London's history


According to the 2011 Census, 6,083,420 or 77.9% of London's population aged 3 and over spoke English as a main language, with a further 1,406


London's religious landscape over the past two decades has undergone significant change. In 2001, Christians constituted the majority at 58.23%


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