Demography relation with other disciplines

  • What are the disciplines of demography?

    These subdisciplines include anthropological, economic, family, historical, mathematical, paleo, spatial, and social demography, as well as bio-demography and population studies..

  • What is demography and explain its relationship with other disciplines?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demography examines the size, structure, and movements of populations over space and time.
    It uses methods from history, economics, anthropology, sociology, and other fields..

  • What is the relationship between demography and sociology?

    We have commented that population change is an important source of other changes in society.
    The study of population is so significant that it occupies a special subfield within sociology called demography.
    To be more precise, demography is the study of changes in the size and composition of population..

  • Which is closely linked with discipline of demography?

    Population geography is closely related to demography (the study of population statistics and trends).
    Population geography relates spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration, and growth of populations to the terrain.
    Population geography involves demography from a geographical perspective..

  • Demographics—statistical data related to a population—play a key role in rates of economic growth.
    That's because the makeup of any population can influence the supply of labor and productivity—known as the demographic dividend.
Demography has sometimes been described as 'the servant of other social sciences' as it provides substantial raw material for the study of social, political, and economic change. Demography serves as a foundational tool for social sciences to stand on.
Demography has sometimes been described as 'the servant of other social sciences' as it provides substantial raw material for the study of social, political, and economic change.
Demography has sometimes been described as 'the servant of other social sciences' as it provides substantial raw material for the study of social, political, and economic change. Demography serves as a foundational tool for social sciences to stand on.


Economics studies the problems arising out of the economic activities of the individual and society

Social Biology

Social biology is a branch of biology. It studies the biological activities of man, living as a member of the society. It studies the origin of living beings


Geography studies the geographical features of the earth, such as climate of different parts, natural resources

Human Ecology

There is a close relationship between demography and human ecology. Human ecology is mainly concerned with population and environment

Is demography a descriptive discipline?

In the past, demography was often regarded by its practitioners as a descriptive discipline (see Pressat 1972, English translation), focused on measurement and methods of data analysis, without attention to either the nature of theory or the role of explanation

What is the difference between sociology and demography?

Second, sociology is a social science of ‘what is’ and demography is a social science of ‘what ought to be’

Third, sociology describes social relations qualitatively, whereas demography is concerned with quantitative relations of demographic phenomena using various methods of measurement

2 Economics:

What is the relation of demography with other sciences?

After reading this article you will learn about the relation of demography with other sciences


Sociology: Demography is a science related with population

It studies different aspects of population like its size, density, effects of birth rate, death rate, migration, etc

Demography as a dynamic discipline is highly related with other sciences; especially social sciences. It helps other sciences, and is benefited by other sciences too. Demography being statistics-based, widely helps economics, sociology, social development, geography and many other sciences.Demography being statistics-based, widely helps economics, sociology, social development, geography and many other sciences. Sociology proves how integration of sciences help in the development of societies in general. Social change happening in various dimensions, is in need of a close relationship of demography and other social sciences.

Relation of Demography with Other Sciences

  • 1. Sociology: Demography is a science related with population. ...


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