Demography vocabulary

  • What does demographic mean in vocabulary?

    A demographic can consist of people who are in the same age group, such as 18-to-29-year-olds, or ethnic group, such as African-Americans.
    Definitions of demographic. a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.) type of: statistic..

  • What is the vocabulary of demographic transition?

    Demographic Transition The historical shift of birth and death rates from high to low levels in a population.
    The mortality decline usually precedes the fertility decline, resulting in rapid population growth during the transition period..

  • Demographic Transition The historical shift of birth and death rates from high to low levels in a population.
    The mortality decline usually precedes the fertility decline, resulting in rapid population growth during the transition period.
Demographic change describes the changes in population size and structure caused by changes in birth rates, death rates, and by migration. Demographic change in 
Demography The scientific study of human populations, including their sizes, compositions, distributions, densities, growth, and other characteristics, as well 
: the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density (see density sense 2c), distribution, and vital statistics

Glossary of Demographic Terms

  • A Ageism A term derived from English to denote discrimination on grounds of age (comparable toracism, sexism)
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Demography vocabulary
Demography vocabulary
In December 2019, the city-state of Berlin had a population of 3,769,495 registered inhabitants in an area of 891.82 square kilometers (344.33 sq mi).
The city's population density was 4,227 inhabitants per km2.
Berlin is Germany's largest city and the most populous city proper in the European Union.
The demographics of Estonia in the 21st century result from historical

The demographics of Estonia in the 21st century result from historical

The demographics of Estonia in the 21st century result from historical trends over more than a thousand years, as with most European countries, but have been disproportionately influenced by events in the second half of the 20th century.
The Soviet occupation (1944–1991), extensive immigration from Russia and other parts of the former USSR, and the eventual restoration of independence of Estonia, have all had a major effect on Estonia's current ethnic makeup.


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