Demography book definition

  • What is the best definition of demography?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demography examines the size, structure, and movements of populations over space and time.
    It uses methods from history, economics, anthropology, sociology, and other fields..

Book description Demography is the study by statistical methods of human populants involving the measurement of their size, growth and diminution, the proportions living within some areas, being born, marrying, having children or dying and the related functions of fertility, nuptially and morality.
This book begins by defining a number of concepts which are useful for demographic analysis, including the significant events in life and types of 
Demography is the study of human populations, in particular their size and composition, and how they change through fertility (births), migration, aging, and mortality (deaths). Demography also includes analysis of the economic, social, environmental, and biological causes and consequences of population change.
Demography book definition
Demography book definition
The Demographics of Gabon is the makeup of the population of Gabon.
As of 2020, Gabon has a population of 2,225,287.
Gabon's population is relatively young with 35.5% of its population under 15 years of age and only 4.3% of its population over 65 years old.
Gabon has a nearly even split between males and females with 0.99 males for every female in the population.
In the age range of 15–65, the ration is exactly 1 male to 1 female.
The life expectancy of Gabon is lower than the world average.
Gabon's population's life expectancy at birth is 53.11 years while the world average is 67.2 years as of 2010.
Ethnically, the biggest group in Gabon are the Fang people with over 500,000 people, or about a third of Gabon's population, belonging to this ethnic group.
The biggest religion in Gabon is Christianity, with between 55–75% of the population of Gabon being Christian.


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