When demography started

While basic demographic studies, such as censuses, were conducted in the ancient world as far back as 6,000 years ago, demographers as we know them, such as John Graunt from the United Kingdom, came about in the 16th century.

The Materials of Demography

Censuses, although usually not including all individuals, were carried out in the ancient world in powerful states such as Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India

The Analysts

The Italian Renaissance and the era of European voyages and religious missions to distant continents first stirred interest in estimating population size


Until the twentieth century the only sense in which demography was a discipline was that there was a growing body of knowledge

The Recent Past and The Future

By 1970 it was known that fertility decline had begun in much of the developing world except for sub-Saharan Africa


Bulatao, Rodolfo A., and Ronald D. Lee, eds. 1983. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries: A Summary of Knowledge

When did historical demography start?

Sogner dates the founding of historical demography as a discipline to Louis Henry’s presentation of family reconstitution at the meeting of the International Congress for Historical Sciences in 1960 (Stockholm)

The historical study of populations was not new in 1960, but Henry added a new level of scientific rigor

The development of the discipline of demography is usually traced to seventheenth-century England, especially among the founders of the Royal Society.

The roots of statistical demography may be found in the work of the Englishman John Graunt; his work Natural and Political Observations . . . Made upon the Bills of Mortality (1662) examines the weekly records of deaths and baptisms (the “bills of mortality”) dating back to the end of the 16th century.

The initial population "upswing" began around 5000 BC.


Age shifting in demography
Demography is the statistical study of
Demography is the study of human population
Demography is the science that describes
Demography is destiny meaning
Demography is the study of population
Demography is related to
Demography is a
Demography is the systematic study of
Demographic school
Demography about population
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