Demography as a spatial social science

  • What is a demography in social science?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demographers use census data, surveys, and statistical models to analyze the size, movement, and structure of populations..

  • What is the meaning of spatial demography?

    Spatial Demography focuses on understanding the spatial and spatiotemporal dimension of demographic processes (fertility, migration, morbidity and mortality)..

  • What is the role of demography in social science?

    Demography is useful for governments and private businesses as a means of analyzing and predicting social, cultural, and economic trends related to population..

Sep 25, 2007I define spatial demography as the formal demographic study of areal aggregates, i.e., of demographic attributes aggregated to some level within 

Scholarly articles for demography as a spatial social science › citationsDemography as a spatial social science
VossCited by 252
Demography is an inherently spatial science
WeeksCited by 15
Demography and social science
CaldwellCited by 191
Demography is an inherently spatial science since it almost always deals with human populations in a defined geographic region, but spatial analysis has thus far played only a small role in the development and testing of demographic theory.
Demography is an inherently spatial science since it almost always deals with human populations in a defined geographic region, but spatial analysis has thus far played only a small role in the development and testing of demographic theory.

Rural Demography

Despite some early work reporting empirical research on migration patterns (noteworthy is that of Ravenstein 1885)

Applied Demography

This brings us to an important third category of continuing work in spatial demography: population estimation research

Is spatial demography a social science?

American demographer Voss ( 2007 ), the founder of Spatial Demography, published a paper “Demography as a Spatial Social Science”, which has had a big repercussion in this field

He regarded Spatial Demography as a new discipline which offers a regional perspective to the study of traditional demography

What is space in demography?

In the community of demography, space is an inherent dimension of demographic research and a core concept in demographic application analysis

In demography, population refers to a group with certain characteristics in a geographic region and at a particular time (Zeng et al

2011 )

What is the difference between population data and spatial data?

In demography, population refers to a group with certain characteristics in a geographic region and at a particular time (Zeng et al

2011 )

Therefore, population data has almost the same characteristics as spatial data

Spatial synthesis and computational methods are crucial to advance social science and humanities, especially for demography

Spatial Demography focuses on understanding the spatial and spatiotemporal dimension of demographic processes (fertility, migration, morbidity and mortality).

Spatial demography is concerned with the spatial analysis of demographic processes and outcomes, and has typically drawn on macro-level or ecological data.


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