Demographic update in aadhar card

  • Can we update demographic details in Aadhar card online?

    It can be done online or offline.
    However, to make it more convenient for cardholders, UIDAI has provided a facility to update the demographic information including your name (minor changes), date of birth, address and gender in your Aadhaar card online for FREE till 14th December 2023..

  • Can we update demographic details in Aadhar card?

    Enter the Demographic details of the resident from the verified Enrolment/Update Form.
    In case of Aadhaar Update, only the fields which need to be updated should be marked and filled.
    Encourage the resident to add mobile number and email ID in the form, for UIDAI to get in touch with the resident using these details..

  • How can I check my Aadhar demographic status?

    Step 1 - Go to the
    Step 2 - Enter the EID and captcha details.
    Step 3 - On the following screen, you will get a status message that reads, "Your Aadhaar is generated," if your Aadhaar is prepared.
    On this screen, you may download or obtain an Aadhaar for your mobile device..

  • How can I get my Aadhar card verified by demographic?

    Authentication may be carried out through the following modes: Demographic authentication: The Aadhaar number and demographic information of the Aadhaar number holder obtained from the Aadhaar number holder is matched with the demographic information of the Aadhaar number holder in the CIDR..

  • What is Aadhaar demographic update?

    Demographic Details (Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Email address, Relationship status, Information Sharing Consent and Address) in Aadhaar can be updated offline as well as online.
    Date of Birth (DOB) can be updated only once..

  • What is demographic error in Aadhaar card?

    Demographics mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar
    The demographic mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar card may occure due to mismatch in: • Name. • Date of Birth. • Gender.
    Demographics mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar occurs when the personal details mentioned in your PAN card and Aadhaar card do not match..

  • What is the demographic verification of Aadhaar?

    Demographic authentication: The Aadhaar number and demographic information of the Aadhaar number holder obtained from the Aadhaar number holder is matched with the demographic information of the Aadhaar number holder in the CIDR..

  • Demographics mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar
    The demographic mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar card may occure due to mismatch in: • Name. • Date of Birth. • Gender.
    Demographics mismatch in PAN-Aadhaar occurs when the personal details mentioned in your PAN card and Aadhaar card do not match.
  • Yes, for online update of address you have to pay Rs. 50/- (including GST).
    Through this online portal, you can perform only Address and Document update.
    For any other update, kindly visit the nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
    For minor corrections in your name or change in name, kindly visit nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
Biometric Update. 538,622,373 Demographic Update. 826,954,409 Aadhaar Update Trend. Aadhaar Update TrendDemographic UpdateBiometric UpdateIndia Map.
If you are using online Self Service Update Portal (SSUP) for update, your mobile number must be registered with Aadhaar otherwise you can visit nearest 
You can update Demographic details (Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile Number, and Email id) as well as Biometrics (Fingerprints, Iris & Photograph) in Aadhaar.

Registered Mobile Number

Registered mobile number is essential to access Aadhaar Online Services You can verify your mobile number that has been declared at the time of

Demographic Data Update, The Need Could Arise from

1. Changes in life events such as marriage may lead to residents cha… 2

Biometric Update, The Need Could Arise from

1. Age <5 years at the time of initial enrolment -The child should be re-e… 2

Aadhaar Details That Can Be Updated Are

UIDAI update process accepts wide range of PoI (Proof of Identity) and PoA (Proof of Address) documents

Modes of Update


Does submission of information guarantee update of Aadhaar data?

Submission of information does not guarantee update of Aadhaar data

Changes submitted through Update Aadhaar online Service are subjected to verification and validation by the UIDAI and after validation only the change request is processed further for Aadhaar update

How often do I need to update my Aadhaar card?

As per Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Regulations, 2016; Aadhaar number holders may, on completion of every 10 years from the date of enrolment for Aadhaar, update their supporting documents in Aadhaar, at least once, by submitting PoI and PoA documents, so as to ensure continued accuracy of their information

How about changes in other cards?

How to update demographic details of Aadhaar card holder?

In a latest move, the Centre made the process of updating demographic details of the card holders very simple and now it's free of cost

If there is a need to change demographic details such as name, date of birth, address, etc, the residents can use regular online update service, or may visit nearest Aadhaar center

Here You Find A complete Guide to Update Demographic Data In Aadhar Card in just a few steps.

  • Search "UIDAI" On Google Open google home page and search UIDAI. STEP 2
  • Open "UIDAI Official Website" After this, you need to click on which appears as a first in the google results as shown above. STEP 3
  • Click On "My Aadhaar" Option After this, you need to click on the My Aadhaar option at which appears in the front as shown above. ...


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