Cameroon demographics

  • What demographic transition model is Cameroon?

    The demographic transition of Cameroon is stage 2.
    The birth rate is incredibly high and the death rate seems to be declining quickly.
    The fertility rate is 4 children per woman, which is a higher number.
    Once again it comes to relation with the status, education, and contraception knowledge of the women..

  • What is the age demographic of Cameroon?

    This statistic shows the total population of Cameroon from 2011 to 2021 by gender.
    In 2021, Cameroon's female population amounted to approximately 13.63 million, while the male population amounted to approximately 13.56 million inhabitants.Jul 21, 2023.

  • What is the demographic growth rate in Cameroon?

    The current population of Cameroon in 2023 is 28,647,293, a 2.63% increase from 2022.
    The population of Cameroon in 2022 was 27,914,536, a 2.63% increase from 2021.
    The population of Cameroon in 2021 was 27,198,628, a 2.67% increase from 2020..

  • What is the demographic of Cameroon?

    Ethnic groups
    Bamileke-Bamu 24.3%, Beti/Bassa, Mbam 21.6%, Biu-Mandara 14.6%, Arab-Choa/Hausa/Kanuri 11%, Adamawa-Ubangi, 9.8%, Grassfields 7.7%, Kako, Meka/Pygmy 3.3%, Cotier/Ngoe/Oroko 2.7%, Southwestern Bantu 0.7%, foreign/other ethnic group 4.5% (2018 est.).

  • What is the largest ethnic group in Cameroon?

    Country overview.
    Ethnicity: Cameroon has over 240 ethnic groups.
    Bamileke is the largest ethnic group in the west, Fulani/Kirdi in the north, and Beti in the south.
    Religion: Christianity is the predominant religion in Cameroon, divided among roughly 38% Catholics, 26% Protestants and 4% other Christian denominations..

  • What is the main ethnicity in Cameroon?

    Cameroon has more than 240 tribes which are found in three main ethnic groups; Bantus, Semi-Bantus and Sudanese.
    The number of national languages spoken in the country is more than 240..

  • What is the racial makeup of Cameroon?

    Ethnic groups
    Bamileke-Bamu 24.3%, Beti/Bassa, Mbam 21.6%, Biu-Mandara 14.6%, Arab-Choa/Hausa/Kanuri 11%, Adamawa-Ubangi, 9.8%, Grassfields 7.7%, Kako, Meka/Pygmy 3.3%, Cotier/Ngoe/Oroko 2.7%, Southwestern Bantu 0.7%, foreign/other ethnic group 4.5% (2018 est.).

  • Cameroon 2023 population is estimated at 28,647,293 people at mid year.
  • Cameroon has more than 240 tribes which are found in three main ethnic groups; Bantus, Semi-Bantus and Sudanese.
    The number of national languages spoken in the country is more than 240.
Cameroon comprises an estimated 250 distinct ethnic groups, which may be formed into five large regional-cultural divisions: 113,000 Igbo people live in  PopulationVital statisticsLanguagesOther demographic statistics
Cameroon comprises an estimated 250 distinct ethnic groups, which may be formed into five large regional-cultural divisions: 113,000 Igbo people live in  Vital statisticsEthnic groupsLanguagesOther demographic statistics

Ethnic groups

• Cameroon Highlanders 31% • Equatorial Bantu 19% • Kirdi 11%


There are 24 major African language groups in Cameroon; additionally, English and French are official languages

Other demographic statistics

Demographic statistics according to the World Population Review in 2022

External links

• (in French) Institut National de la Statistique du

Is Cameroon a Christian country?

Religious affiliation within Cameroon boasts a whopping 70% Christian belief base

21% is of the Islamic faith, and a marginal 6% still maintain indigenous belief systems dating back to the cultural inception thousands of years ago (CIA, 2018)

What is the origin of the name Cameroon?

Originally, Cameroon was the exonym given by the Portuguese to the Wouri river, which they called Rio dos Camarões— "river of shrimps " or "shrimp river", referring to the then abundant Cameroon ghost shrimp

Today the country's name in Portuguese remains Camarões

What is the population of Cameroon like?

According to the latest census, Cameroon still has slightly more women (50

6%) than men (49 4%)

Nearly 60% of the population is under age 25

People over 65 years of age account for only 3

2% of the total population

Cameroon's population is almost evenly divided between urban and rural dwellers

Military of the Republic of Cameroon

The Cameroon Armed Forces are the military of the Republic of Cameroon.
The armed forces number 40,000 personnel in ground, air, and naval forces.
There are approximately 40,000 troops in the army across three military regions.
Approximately 1,300 troops are part of the Cameroonian Navy, which is headquartered at Douala.
Under 600 troops are part of the Air Force.
There is an additional 12,500 paramilitary troops that serve as a gendarmerie or reconnaissance role.
Cameroon demographics
Cameroon demographics

Region of Cameroon

The Far North Region, also known as the Extreme North Region, is the northernmost and most populous constituent province of the Republic of Cameroon.
It borders the North Region to the south, Chad to the east, and Nigeria to the west.
The capital is Maroua.
Articles related to Cameroon include:
This article lists the colonial governors of Cameroon

This article lists the colonial governors of Cameroon

This article lists the colonial governors of Cameroon.
It encompasses the period when the country was under colonial rule of the German Empire, military occupation of the territory by the Allies of World War I, as well as the period when it was a Class B League of Nations mandate and a United Nation trust territory, under the administration of France and the United Kingdom respectively.
This is the list of cities

This is the list of cities

This is the list of cities, towns, and villages in the country of Cameroon:
Under the current Constitution of Cameroon

Under the current Constitution of Cameroon

Maximun politician position

Under the current Constitution of Cameroon, the Prime Minister of Cameroon is a relatively powerless position.
While the Prime Minister is officially appointed to be the head of government, the President retains most of the executive power and can fire the Prime Minister at will.
This article provides a breakdown of the transportation options available in

This article provides a breakdown of the transportation options available in

Transportation services available in Cameroon

This article provides a breakdown of the transportation options available in Cameroon.
The options available to citizens and tourists include railways, roadways, waterways, pipelines, and airlines.
These avenues of transportation are used by citizens for personal transportation, by businesses for transporting goods, and by tourists for both accessing the country and traveling while there.


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