Demographic east london

  • What are the demographics of the South East London?

    In 2020, there were 1.

    1. M residents in South East London postcode area with an average age of 35
    2. .7 years.
      Population density was 8.0k residents per square kilometer.
      Population grew by 24.1% since 2002 and population average age increased by 0.9 years in the same period.

  • What is the demographic of East London?

    East London population statistics
    In 2020, there were 1.

    1. M residents in East London postcode area with an average age of 34
    2. .2 years.
      Population density was 10.0k residents per square kilometer.

  • What is the demographic of South East London?

    In 2020, the total population of South East London postcode area was 1.

    1. M and it increased by 214k people since 2002.
    2. That's 24.1% population growth .
      Population average age was 35.7 and it increased by 0.9 years since 2002.

  • What is the ethnic demographic of London?

    46% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic and 41% are not born in the UK.
    West London has the highest proportion (53%) of its population that are Black and Minority Ethnic and 47% who are not UK-born..

  • What is the population demographic of East London?

    East London population statistics
    In 2020, there were 1.

    1. M residents in East London postcode area with an average age of 34
    2. .2 years.
      Population density was 10.0k residents per square kilometer.

  • Why is East London's population growing?

    Most of the population growth has occurred through a significant increase in the private rented sector, which more than doubled in much of east London.
    By contrast the owner occupied sector has contracted slightly and the social rented sector has remained broadly constant..

  • In 2020, the total population of South East London postcode area was 1.
    1. M and it increased by 214k people since 2002.
    2. That's 24.1% population growth .
      Population average age was 35.7 and it increased by 0.9 years since 2002.
46% of Londoners are Black and Minority Ethnic and 41% are not born in the UK. West London has the highest proportion (53%) of its population that are Black and 
In 2020, there were 1.2M residents in East London postcode area with an average age of 34.2 years. Population density was 10.0k residents per square kilometer.
Demographic east london
Demographic east london

Northeastern part of London, United Kingdom

East London is the northeastern part of London, England, east of the ancient City of London and north of the River Thames as it begins to widen.
East London developed as London's docklands and the primary industrial centre.
The expansion of railways in the 19th century encouraged the eastward expansion of the East End of London and a proliferation of new suburbs.
The industrial lands of East London are today an area of regeneration, which are well advanced in places such as Canary Wharf and ongoing elsewhere.
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a borough of London

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a borough of London

Borough in London, England

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets is a borough of London, England.
Situated on the north bank of the River Thames and immediately east of the City of London, the borough spans much of the traditional East End of London and includes much of the regenerated London Docklands area.
The 2019 mid-year population for the borough is estimated at 324,745.
New London County is in the southeastern corner

New London County is in the southeastern corner

County in Connecticut, United States

New London County is in the southeastern corner of Connecticut and comprises the Norwich-New London, Connecticut Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Hartford-East Hartford, Connecticut Combined Statistical Area.
There is no county government and no county seat, as is the case with all eight of Connecticut's counties; towns are responsible for all local government activities, including fire and rescue, snow removal, and schools.


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