Demography pakistan

  • In which demographic cycle is Pakistan in?

    Pakistan is in the third stage of demographic transition and this scenario is marked with new options, opportunities, challenges and vulnerabilities..

  • What are the sources of demographic data in Pakistan?

    The primary data are collected through different surveys such as Labour Force Survey (LFS), Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES), Pakistan Integrated Household Survey (PIHS), Pakistan Demographic Survey (PDS) etc..

  • What is population of Pakistan in 2023?

    On 5 August 2023, the Council of Common Interests (CCI) “unanimously” approved the results of the 2023 digital census.
    Pakistan's population has increased to 241.49 million with an annual growth rate of 2.55%, according to the census results..

  • Why is Pakistan population so high?

    The birthrate and death rate are significantly different: The high birthrate and low death rate both contribute to Pakistan's overpopulation problem.
    At 27.7 births per 1,000 people, the birthrate in Pakistan is one of the highest in the world outside of Africa.
    By comparison, Pakistan's death rate is 7.228 per 1,000..

  • In the 2020s, the 15-to-24 age bracket is expected to swell by 20 percent.
    Pakistan's under-24 population will still be in the majority come 2030.
    And as late as 2050, the median age is expected to be only 33.
    Pakistan's demographic profile contrasts with what is happening in much of the rest of the world.
Demography pakistan
Demography pakistan
This is a list showing the 100 most populous cities in Pakistan as of the 2017 Census of Pakistan.
City populations found in this list only refer to the population found within the city's defined limits and any adjacent cantonment, if exists.
The census totals below come from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics for the four provinces of Pakistan and the Islamabad Capital Territory, and from the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Planning & Development Department for cities inside Azad Kashmir.

This is a list of metropolitan areas in Pakistan.
These metropolitan areas are home to about 20% of the population or about 46 million Pakistanis.

The following is a list of the Pakistani people sorted by order of their declared or estimated wealth in U.S. dollars.


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