Demography term

  • How is the term demography derived?

    The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something" — so literally demography means "writing about the people." Like many branches of the sciences, demography began in the 19th century, when the general craze for cataloging .

  • What is a demographic term?

    Research discipline investigating the structure and dynamics of populations.
    The size and structure of populations change as people are born, die, or move (demographic components: fertility, mortality, migration and, in a broader sense: morbidity and nuptiality)..

  • What is the definition of the term demographics?

    Demographics are the characteristics of a population that have been categorized by distinct criteria—such as age, gender and income—as a means to study the attributes of a particular group.
    The study of demographic data is essential for businesses, organizations and governments to make decisions..

  • What is the term of demographic?

    What Are Demographics? Demographics are statistics that describe populations and their characteristics.
    Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex..

  • Who used the term demography?

    The term demography has been ascribed to a Bel- gian statistician, Achille Guillard, who coined it in 1855.
    However, the origins of modern demography are usually traced back to John Graunt's quantita- tive analyses of the “Bills of Mortality” published in 1662 [5]..

  • Population density – relates population to area, (average) the total population in a country or region divided by its area (people/km2).
    Crude birth rate – the number of births per 1000 people (CBR).
    Crude death rate – the number of deaths per 1000 people (CDR).
Demography The scientific study of human populations, including their sizes, compositions, distributions, densities, growth, and other characteristics, as well as the causes and consequences of changes in these factors.

What does a demographer study?

Demographers study social statistics

Data collected during the study of demography is called demographics

A ( noun) demographer ( demographist) studies the growth and density of populations and their vital statistics to produce ( adjective) demographic or ( adjective) demographical data to understand society ( adverb) demographically


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