Demographic health survey 2020

  • Basic Healthcare Assessment Questions

    How healthy do you consider yourself on a scale of 1 to 10?How often do you get a health checkup?What do you say about your overall health?How easy was it to schedule an appointment at our facility?How long did you wait beyond your appointment time to be seen by a provider?
  • Follow these healthcare survey tips from our survey scientists to enable survey takers to say exactly what they mean.

    1. Set a goal for your survey
    2. Choose how to distribute the survey
    3. Guard anonymity and confidentiality
    4. Order questions carefully
    5. Define your terms
    6. Write unbiased survey questions
    7. Loaded or leading questions
The 2020 Demographic and Health Survey will be designed to provide data for monitoring the population and health situation in Angola. The objective of the 2020 
The USAID's Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) project in collaboration with National Institute of Statistics (INE) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) in 

What is a demographic and Health Survey (DHS)?

Demographic and Health Surveys (DHSs) collect information on population, health and nutrition

Ideally, DHSs are carried out every five years and cover subjects including fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and diseases

What is World Health Statistics 2020 report?

World health statistics 2020 report is the latest annual compilation of health statistics for 194 Member States

1 It summarizes trends in life expectancy and causes of death and reports on progress towards the health and health- related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets

Who uses data from health surveys?

Governments, donors, researchers, and civil society (such as faith-based organizations and other domestic and international organizations) use the information from these surveys to inform health-related programming, policies, funding priorities, and research

Government-sponsored cohort study/survey

The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) is an India-wide survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, with the International Institute for Population Sciences serving as the nodal agency.


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