Fiji demographics

  • Do Fijians have African DNA?

    Approximately 65% of Fijian autosomal DNA is Asian and ~35% is Melanesian, and this admixture appears to have occurred substantially after the initial settlement of the region,11 that is, there was a substantial subsequent contact between Fijians and Melanesians that did not extend to Polynesia..

  • How diverse is Fiji?

    Fiji's population has a strong cultural diversity.
    Fijian people include native iTaukei, Indian Fijians, Chinese and Europeans.
    Together they live harmoniously in a multicultural society.
    The majority of the Fijian population is made up of indigenous Fijians..

  • How many Chinese people are in Fiji?

    There are approximately 10,000 Fiji Chinese out of a nationwide population of just over 900 thousand Fijians.
    The history of Chinese people in the islands spans more than 200 years..

  • What are the demographics of Fiji?

    Ethnic groups
    iTaukei 56.8% (predominantly Melanesian with a Polynesian admixture), Indo-Fijian 37.5%, Rotuman 1.2%, other 4.5% (European, part European, other Pacific Islanders, Chinese) (2007 est.).

  • What are the largest ethnic groups in Fiji?

    Ethnic groups
    Indigenous Fijians make up more than half the population; about another two-fifths are people of Indian descent, most of whom are descendants of indentured labourers brought to work in the sugar industry..

  • What is the ethnicity of Fiji people?

    The population consists of two principal ethnic groups: the indigenous Melanesian population or those of mixed Melanesian-Polynesian origin (subsequently referred to as indigenous Fijians), who now constitute a majority of the population (475,739, 56.8 per cent), and the Indo-Fijian (commonly referred to as Indian) .

  • What is the racial makeup of Fiji?

    939,535 (July 2021 est.) iTaukei 56.8% (predominantly Melanesian with a Polynesian admixture), Indo-Fijian 37.5%, Rotuman 1.2%, other 4.5% (European, part European, other Pacific Islanders, Chinese) (2007 est.).

  • What percentage of Fiji is Indian?

    Fiji is a multicultural nation, and as such, many different major religions are represented.
    Christian churches, and mosques, as well as Sikh and Hindu temples, can be found around the islands.
    Christianity is the dominant religion with the largest denomination being the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma..

  • Fiji is an expensive country to travel around, especially if you plan to island hop.
    While there are plenty of accommodations to choose from on the main island of Viti Levu, options are limited once you reach the outer islands.
    To find an affordable bed rate, look for backpacker hostels and guesthouses.
  • Religion.
    Fiji is a multicultural nation, and as such, many different major religions are represented.
    Christian churches, and mosques, as well as Sikh and Hindu temples, can be found around the islands.
    Christianity is the dominant religion with the largest denomination being the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma.
According to the 2007 Census of Fiji, the number of Fijians increased from 393,575 to 475,739, while the number of Indians decreased from 338,818 to 313,798.Ethnic groupsReligions (1996 census)Births and deathsCIA World Factbook
Ethnic groups iTaukei 56.8% (predominantly Melanesian with a Polynesian admixture), Indo-Fijian 37.5%, Rotuman 1.2%, other 4.5% (European, part European, other Pacific Islanders, Chinese) (2007 est.)
Fiji, a country in the South Pacific, is an archipelago of more than 300 islands. It's famed for rugged landscapes, palm-lined beaches and coral reefs with clear lagoons. Its major islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, contain most of the population. Viti Levu is home to the capital, Suva, a port city with British colonial architecture. The Fiji Museum, in the Victorian-era Thurston Gardens, has ethnographic exhibits.


The demographic characteristics of the population of Fiji are known through censuses

CIA World Factbook demographic statistics

The following demographic statistics are from the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated. • Population: 827

Further reading

• Bahadur, Gaiutra. Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture

External links

• Fiji Government

How many people live in Fiji?

The growth in population of Fiji is steady but unremarkable

Based on current figures, it may be that numbers finally breach the 900,000 mark by 2017

The current population of Fiji is 938,748 based on projections of the latest United Nations data

The UN estimates the July 1, 2023 population at 936,375

How Old is Fiji?

What is the population density in Fiji 2023?

A value below 2

1 will cause the native population to decline The 2023 population density in Fiji is 51 people per Km 2 (133 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 18,270 Km2 (7,054 sq


A Population pyramid (also called "Age-Sex Pyramid") is a graphical representation of the age and sex of a population

What percentage of Fiji's population is Rotuman?

About 1% of Fiji's population are Rotuman, who are natives of Rotuma Island

33% of the population of Fiji were aged between 0 and 14 - a figure that is some way in excess of the worldwide average

Fiji demographics
Fiji demographics

Topics referred to by the same term

The Fijian dollar has been the currency of Fiji since

The Fijian dollar has been the currency of Fiji since

Currency of Fiji

The Fijian dollar has been the currency of Fiji since 1969 and was also the currency between 1867 and 1873.
It is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or alternatively FJ$ to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies.
It is divided into 100 cents.
Articles about people

Articles about people

Articles about people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from Fiji, include:

Between 1879 and 1916, a total of 42 ships made 87 voyages, carrying Indian indentured labourers to Fiji.
Initially the ships brought labourers from Calcutta, but from 1903 all ships except two also brought labourers from Madras and Mumbai.
A total of 60,965 passengers left India but only 60,553 arrived in Fiji.
A total of 45,439 boarded ships in Calcutta and 15,114 in Madras.
Sailing ships took, on average, seventy-three days for the trip while steamers took 30 days.
The shipping companies associated with the labour trade were Nourse Line and British-India Steam Navigation Company.
Mana Island belongs to the Mamanuca Islands

Mana Island belongs to the Mamanuca Islands

Island of the Mamanuca Islands, Fiji

Mana Island belongs to the Mamanuca Islands, Fiji.
Mana was used as a tribe name in Survivor: Game Changers.
Outline of Fiji

Outline of Fiji

Overview of and topical guide to Fiji

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Fiji:


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