Demography migration and the labour market in the uae

  • 9,856,612 (July 2021 est.) Emirati 11.6%, South Asian 59.4% (includes Indian 38.2%, Bangladeshi 9.5%, Pakistani 9.4%, other 2.3%), Egyptian 10.2%, Filipino 6.1%, other 12.8% (2015 est.) The World Factbook, the indispensable source for basic information.
  • How does migration affect the economy in the UAE?

    The economic benefit of migrating to a high-income country like the UAE, due to petroleum reserves, is systematically larger, as demonstrated by development economist Clemens (2009) whose research on the economic benefits of migration found a substantial “place premium” 30 for Indian workers migrating to the UAE..

  • How immigration affected the population of UAE?

    Since the 1970s, as the foreign-born labor force in the United Arab Emirates grew, the population imbalance grew.
    According to the UAE's most recent decennial census, last conducted in 2005, 80 percent of the nation's population was foreign-born and 20 percent was UAE national..

  • What is the demographic imbalance in the UAE?

    According to the World Bank data, the UAE's population reached around 9,991,083 in 2021; expatriates still outnumbering the Emiratis.
    The number of male population is 6,888,345 representing 69 per cent and the number of female population is 3,102,738 representing 31 per cent of the total population..

  • What is the demographic of the UAE?

    UAE Population in 2021 is 9.99 Million according to the data provided by the United Nations.
    The Population Density in the United Arab Emirates is 118 per square kilometer.
    The Total Expat Population of UAE in 2021 is 8.84 million..

  • What is the demographic transition model of UAE?

    Demographic Transition
    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) currently has a Crude Birth Rate of 13 and a Crude Death Rate of 1.
    Such a gap between CBR and CDR, combined with its Rate of Natural Increase of 1.2% would suggest that the UAE is either within late Stage 2 or early Stage 3 of Demographic Transition..

  • What percentage of the UAE is migrant workers?

    A staggering 88 percent of its 10 million people are international migrants, of which 26 percent are women 1.
    According to the World Bank Global Findex, the gender gap in bank account ownership between men and women in the MENA region as of 2021 was 13 percent, the widest in the region 2..

  • Demographic Transition
    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) currently has a Crude Birth Rate of 13 and a Crude Death Rate of 1.
    Such a gap between CBR and CDR, combined with its Rate of Natural Increase of 1.2% would suggest that the UAE is either within late Stage 2 or early Stage 3 of Demographic Transition.
  • The current net migration rate for Uae in 2023 is 0.433 per 1000 population, a 63.37% decline from 2022.
    The net migration rate for Uae in 2022 was 1.182 per 1000 population, a 38.79% decline from 2021.
    The net migration rate for Uae in 2021 was 1.931 per 1000 population, a 27.92% decline from 2020.
Foreign nationals thus made up 88.5 per cent of the country's total population; most were believed to come from Asia and especially from India. In the employed  Series/Number: Migration Policy Centre; GLMM; Explanatory note; 07/2015
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Pakistani community in the UAE

Pakistanis in the United Arab Emirates include expatriates from Pakistan who have settled in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), With a population of over 1.5 million, Pakistanis are the second largest national group in the UAE after Indians, constituting 12.5% of the country's total population.
They are the third largest overseas Pakistani community, behind the Pakistani diaspora in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom.
The population is diverse and consists of people from all over Pakistan, including Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, Balochistan, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
The majority of Pakistanis are Muslim, with significant minorities of Christians, Hindus and other religions.
The majority are found in Dubai and Abu Dhabi respectively, while a significant population is spread out in Sharjah and the remaining Northern Emirates.
Dubai alone accounts for a Pakistani population of 400,000.


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