Demographic voting 2022

Jul 12, 2023Younger voters, Black voters and those living in urban areas continued to support Democratic candidates while older, White and rural voters  Gender, race and the 2022 voteAge and the 2022 election

Does age affect voting preferences in 2022?

Age continues to be strongly associated with voting preferences in U

S elections

Nearly seven-in-ten voters under 30 (68%) supported Democratic candidates in 2022 – much higher than the shares of voters ages 30 to 49 (52%), 50 to 64 (44%) and 65 and older (42%) who did so

How did voters vote in the 2022 midterm elections?

In the 2022 midterm elections, there were familiar patterns in voting preferences among subgroups

Younger voters, Black voters and those living in urban areas continued to support Democratic candidates while older, White and rural voters backed Republicans

What percentage of Democratic voters were white in 2022?

Nearly identical shares of Democratic voters in 2022 (64%) and 2018 (65%) were White

Black, non-Hispanic voters represented 17% of Democratic voters in 2022, while Hispanic and Asian voters accounted for 11% and 4%, respectively, of the Democratic Party’s support at the polls

The national election rate (actual voters per 100 eligible voters) in 2022 was 52
Demographic voting 2022
Demographic voting 2022

Civic voting holiday

Vote Early Day is a movement by a coalition of nonprofits and businesses which encourages voters to use early ballots and designates October 24 as the official “Vote Early Day”.
MTV and over 65 partners introduced “Vote Early Day” with the goal to become a new U.S. national civic holiday.
Vote Early Day is meant to encourage eligible United States citizens to vote early.
The effort also intends to assist people, particularly young voters, to stay informed on what their state's laws are related to early voting.


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