Dendrology tree growth crossword answers

  • What is the growth of a tree called?

    Historically, growth rings (also called growth increments) were called annual rings.
    Modern understanding of seasonal wood formation now recognizes that many trees, particularly in the tropics and subtropics, form rings not on an annual basis but rather in response to various cyclic environmental conditions..

  • The cambium produces new wood and new bark.
    The band of tissue outside of the cambium is the phloem.
    Phloem transports new materials (the sugars created from photosynthesis) from the crown to the roots.
    Dead phloem tissue becomes the bark of a tree.

What is dendrochronology in trees?

Stumps may show the age-defining rings of a tree

The study of these rings is known as dendrochronology

Stumps (both those on the ground and stumps of removed branches) are sometimes able to regenerate into new trees

Often, a deciduous tree that has been cut will re-sprout in multiple places around the edge of the stump or from the roots


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