Is mugo pine poisonous

  • Is Mugo pine a black pine?

    Mugo or Swiss Mountain Pines (Pinus mugo) – Needles are the same color as black pines but aren't as sharp or as long.
    There are several varieties but most grow as a shrub or bush rather than a tree.
    Scotch Pines (Pinus sylvestnis) – Needles are blue-green and trunks often have flaking orange bark..

  • Is Pinus mugo poisonous?

    Pinus has no toxic effects reported..

  • What is the benefit of Mugo pine bud?

    Medicinal Uses
    It is a valuable remedy used internally in the treatment of kidney and bladder complaints and is used both internally and as a rub and steam bath in the treatment of rheumatic affections[4]..

  • What is the disease in Mugo pine?

    Dothistroma needle blight is a common fungal disease that causes browning of needles of Austrian, ponderosa, and mugo pines..

  • Instead, prune mugo pine in spring and only trim the new growth.
    Tender new growth on mugo pines appears as “candles” on the branch tips.
    To keep the mugo pine from getting too tall, cut the mugo pine candles in half in springtime.
    This reduces the size of the new growth that it will achieve in the season.
  • It is a type of scale insect.
    The adult pine needle scale forms a hard white shell that looks like someone spilled paint on the needles.
    Continued attacks by this insect can weaken and ruin the appearance of your mugo pine.
    Timing is critical for successful control.
  • Pinus mugo, known as dwarf mountain pine, mountain pine, scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine, bog pine, creeping pine, or mugo pine, is a species of conifer, native to high elevation habitats from southwestern to Central Europe and Southeast Europe.
Is Pinus poisonous? Pinus has no toxic effects reported.
No. But care should be taken that the dog does not eat the needles. Sharp conifer needles - like pines - even if completely non-toxic, can cause internal damage 
Sharp conifer needles - like pines - even if completely non-toxic, can cause internal damage and distress.


The tree has dark green leaves ("needles") in pairs, 3–7 centimetres (1+1⁄4–2+3⁄4 inches) long


There are three subspecies:


Pinus mugo is native to the subalpine zones of the Pyrenees, Alps, Ore Mountains, Carpathians, northern and central Apennines


Pinus mugo is classed as a wilding conifer, and spreads as an invasive species in the high country of New Zealand, coastal Denmark


Pinus mugo is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant, for use as a small tree or shrub, planted in gardens and in larger pots and planters

Pine (Pinus spp.) is a huge genus of evergreen trees that vary widely in size and form


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