Dental anatomy cheat sheet

  • How do you identify teeth anatomy?

    In each set, incisors (I) are indicated first, canines (C) second, premolars (P) third, and finally molars (M), giving I:C:P:M.
    So for example, the formula for upper teeth indicates 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars on one side of the upper mouth..

  • How do you read dental formula?

    Those studying dental anatomy will learn the classification, appearance, and development processes of the teeth.
    It is considered to be a taxonomical science due to the nature of classifying the various teeth and structures.
    The naming of the teeth is also practically used in dentistry to diagnose and treat patients..

How can a dental professional identify problems in the oral cavity?

In order to identify problems in the oral cavity, the dental professional must first recognize normal anatomy as well as the normal appearance of the surrounding areas

In addition, it is essential the dental professional be able to evaluate the health of the teeth as well as the supporting tissues and periodontium

What is the ultimate cheat sheet?

The ultimate chair-side resource for dentists all across the nation

Relied on by thousands of dental professionals

The Ultimate Cheat Sheets contain everything you require to stay current with the constantly changing FDA mandates, life-saving algorithms, and the steady stream of new drugs and their interactions


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