Dental anatomy george brown

  • Does George Brown have exams?

    Exams, tests, and quizzes are written throughout the semester and the number you need to write depends on the nature of the course and how you are to be evaluated in the course..

  • What are the anatomical features of each tooth?

    The tooth has two anatomical parts, the crown and the root.
    The crown is the top part that is exposed and visible above the gum (gingiva).
    It is covered with enamel, which protects the underlying dentine.
    The root of a tooth descends below the gum line anchoring the tooth in the mouth..

  • What are the anatomical terms of the tooth?

    cusp – The top portion of the tooth; the tip or point. deciduous teeth – The first set of teeth, also known as primary teeth. dentin – The tissue of the tooth between the pulp and the enamel and cementum; the majority of the tooth. dentition – A set of teeth..

  • What is the anatomical landmark of the teeth?

    Landmarks meanElevations, depressions and grooves are present on the surfaces of teeth, and different terminologies are used to describe these landmarks.
    Concave: A curvature that leans inward Convex: A curvature that extends outward.
    Opposite of concave..

  • What is the anatomical nomenclature of teeth?

    Teeth can be specifically identified using anatomic nomenclature by their set (deciduous or permanent), side (left or right), arch (maxillary or mandibular), class (incisor, canine, premolar, and molar), and normal anatomic position in the mouth from mesial to distal (first, second, third, or fourth)..

  • What is the difference between a groove and a fossa in a tooth?

    Answer and Explanation:
    An example of grooves is the radial groove which is found in the humerus bone near the deep brachial artery and radial nerve.
    On the other hand, fossae are shallow depressions or hollows, usually in the bone..


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