Dental assistant radiology exam

  • How much does it cost to become a dental assistant in California?

    Cost of Dental Assistant Associate Degree Programs
    The average cost of an associate degree program in 2021 was $7,600.
    Of course, there is a huge variety in the cost of different colleges.
    For example, an associate degree from Carrington College in Sacramento California can cost nearly $40,000..

  • What is a RDA?

    Becoming a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) through the Dental Board of California is a multi-step process, one that involves an application process, proof of education and/or experience, the completion of a series of Board-approved courses, and testing..

  • What is the use of radiography in dentistry?

    Dental radiographs can alert your dentist to changes in your hard and soft tissues.
    In chil- dren, radiographs allow the dentist to see how their teeth and jawbones are developing.
    Like medical radiographs, dental radiographs allow your dentist to evaluate any injuries to your face and mouth..

  • Position yourself behind a wall/ shield or at least six feet from the X-‐ray source, and out of the path of the primary beam.
    Standing behind a protective barrier during all exposures, provides you with the best possible protection from X-‐rays.
  • To legally operate dental X-ray equipment and perform dental radiographic procedures in Michigan, a dental assistant must meet the requirements shown below.
    A dental assistant must successfully complete a course in dental radiography that is substantially equivalent to a course taught in a CODA-accredited program.
DANB's Radiation Health and Safety (RHS) exam is recognized or required in many states. Learn about DANB's RHS exam, how to apply, how to prepare, and what  Prepare for ExamsTest Center ExamsOnline Proctored Exams

Does a dental assistant need a certification?

Many states require the certification in order for a dental assistant to provide this service but even in states that don’t require it, having it will give you a distinct advantage over other applicants and potentially qualify you to earn a higher salary

Click “Start Test” above to take a free RHS practice test!

How do I prepare for a dental assisting exam?

The topics with the bigger percentages are important ones to study

The exam outlines also include the list of exam references, which are often textbooks or other materials that were referenced during the development of the exam

It’s a good idea to have access to at least one recommended dental assisting textbook

What should a dental assistant do if a patient refuses dental imaging?

What should the dental assistant do if a patient refuses dental imaging? Document in the patient's record the fact that he or she refused recommended dental imaging

Explain to the patient the importance of dental imaging

Who is responsible for overall quality assurance in a dental practice?


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