Dental radiology cpd online

  • How do I make my CPD verifiable?

    Ensure your CPD is verifiable
    You need to obtain and retain evidence of the CPD you complete.
    This should be a certificate (or similar) from your CPD provider detailing the following: CPD subject, learning content, aims, and objectives. participant's GDC registration number..

  • What counts as CPD dental?

    CPD for dental professionals is defined in law as lectures, seminars, courses, individual study and other activities, that can be included in your CPD record if it can be reasonably expected to advance your professional development as a dentist or dental care professional and is relevant to your practice or intended .

  • What counts as non verifiable CPD for dental nurses?

    Logging your CPD is easy.
    Simply record the date, the activity and the number of hours.
    One hour of reading is equivalent to one non-verifiable CPD.
    It's a good idea to stay up-to-date with GDC publications and reading the information on their site can be logged as non-verifiable CPD..

  • Logging your CPD is easy.
    Simply record the date, the activity and the number of hours.
    One hour of reading is equivalent to one non-verifiable CPD.
    It's a good idea to stay up-to-date with GDC publications and reading the information on their site can be logged as non-verifiable CPD.
Our Radiography CPD modules cover a wide variety of topics ranging from the history and properties of x-radiation to the principles of extra- and intra-oral 
The 8-week theory course and final exam are held entirely online, meaning you will not need to take any time out of work to study. Availability: DCPs only 


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