Dental radiography legislation

  • What are the local rules in radiography?

    The local rules must provide the instructions to be followed to ensure safe working in the area.
    These may include where the operator of an X-ray set should stand during exposures, intraoral X-ray beam directions to be avoided, and the “written arrangements” that staff must follow when they enter the controlled areas..

  • What is the controlled area in dental radiography?

    Description of the controlled area:
    Within the primary beam until it has been sufficiently attenuated by shielding (eg brick/lead wall).
    Within 1.5 metres of the x-ray tube and patient in all other directions.
    Access to this area is restricted by continuous supervision by the operator..

  • What is the difference between Irmer 2017 and IRR?

    The two main pieces of legislation are: IR(ME)R 2017: deals with exposure to patients for medical and non-medical procedures (also IR(ME)R 2018(NI) and IR(ME)R (amendment) 201.

    1. IRR 17: deals with exposure to employees and the public

  • Any employer who undertakes work with ionising radiation must comply with IRR17.
    IRR17 requires employers to keep exposure to ionising radiations as low as reasonably practicable.
    Exposures must not exceed specified dose limits.
Jun 2, 2014This article looks at ionising radiation legislation from the dental. Dental radiography is a central part of clinical diagnosis. Because any 
Mar 24, 2022Radiation regulations for GDPs. All dental practices using X-ray equipment must be registered with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). 24 

How has dental radiography changed since 2001?

Since 2001 dental radiography has seen many changes

Dental practices now have access to cone-beam CT and hand-held X-ray equipment

Not to mention the now widespread replacement of film with digital imaging systems

On top of this, the two key items of UK radiation protection legislation also changed in 2018

Who is responsible for ensuring a dental practice complies with radiation regulations?

It is imperative that there is full compliance and all documentation is retained by the dental practice in the practice's radiation file

The legal person is routinely the practice owner who has full responsibility for ensuring all regulation and legislation is being complied with

Why is dental radiography important?

Radiography is used for diagnosis and treatment planning in the dental practice

Although dental radiography delivers a very small radiation dose, risk does exist, and dental teams have a duty of care and a legal obligation to protect the public, their staff and their patients from potential harm associated with exposure to radiation

All dental practices using X-ray equipment must be registered with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). 24 March 2022 In accordance with the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17), it is an offence to use dental X-ray equipment without registering with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


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