Dental surgery waiting list

  • How long is the wait for dental surgery?

    Analysed by Hermes London Dental Clinic, the waiting times for oral surgery in London last year saw an overall increase of 871 people waiting, compared to 2021, while across England a reported 252,915 people have waited an average of 16.5 weeks to begin treatment..

  • How long is the waiting list for jaw surgery UK?

    The NHS waiting time for wisdom teeth extractions is up to 12 months, which is a very long time to wait for the removal of these large teeth should they be causing you pain..

  • How long is the waiting list for wisdom teeth removal?

    Hospital Referrals may take a few weeks whereas in-house referrals may take 1-2 weeks for the dental patients to be seen.
    The Tooth Extraction will be surgical where a small incision will be made in the gum and the tooth may need to be sectioned in pieces to be removed..

  • How long is the waiting list for wisdom teeth removal?

    The NHS waiting time for wisdom teeth extractions is up to 12 months, which is a very long time to wait for the removal of these large teeth should they be causing you pain..

  • How long is the waiting list for wisdom tooth removal?

    The NHS waiting time for wisdom teeth extractions is up to 12 months, which is a very long time to wait for the removal of these large teeth should they be causing you pain..

Apr 4, 2022Operationally, the NHS expects that 92% of those on a waiting list at any point in time should have been waiting for less than 18 weeks.
You may have to join a waiting list, look for a different dentist who is taking on new NHS patients, or be seen privately. Once you find a dental surgery, you 

Do you go on a waiting list for dental care?

Some people have priority access to care and do not go on the waiting lists.
Some people can receive priority denture care.
People contact public dental care providers seeking either routine or urgent care.
From there, they will be placed on the appropriate waiting list.


First 24 Hours

During the first 24 hours after surgery, your surgeon will likely advise you to rest, not engage in any physical activity, and stay home from school or work.
You also will likely be told to not drive, especially if you underwent general anesthesiaor were given a sedative.
Bleeding With a tooth extraction, slight bleeding is normal for up to 24 hour.


How many patients are seen within 18 weeks of oral surgery?

Further research is required and the dataset published by the NHS statistics team can be further analysed by regional performance.
There has been a steady decline in the percentage of patients seen within 18 weeks of an oral surgery referral, from over 90% in 2016, to below 80% in 2019.


How many people are waiting for dental care in NSW?

For details about recommended maximum waiting times and information on how patients are prioritised to receive care, please refer to the Priority Oral Health Program and Waiting List Management policy directive.
On 30 June 2023, 68,135 people were waiting for assessment and treatment in public dental services in NSW.


Two to Three Days

By day two or three, you may be able to resume normal activities, which may include going back to work or school.
That said, for more extensive procedures, like having multiple teeth removed, it may be one full week (or more) before you are able to do this.
The two-to-three day mark is also around the time that any stitches in your mouth will disso.


What is a priority denture waiting list?

The provider places this person on the Priority Denture Waiting List using the date of the reassessment, not the date of the original assessment.
Victorian providers of public dental care assess people to determine whether they need routine or urgent dental care, or priority denture care.


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