Dentistry meaning

  • How do you use dentistry in a sentence?

    He has studied dentistry, and is deaf on one side.
    I would have talked less about dentistry.
    A display of cosmetic dentistry ensues.
    Then there's cosmetic dentistry..

  • What is full meaning of dental?

    1. : of or relating to the teeth or dentistry.
    2: articulated with the tip or blade of the tongue against or near the upper front teeth..

  • What is term in dentistry?

    caries: tooth decay or "cavities;" a dental infection caused by toxins produced by bacteria. cementum: hard tissue that covers the roots of teeth. clasp: device that holds a removable partial denture to stationary teeth. cleaning: removal of plaque and calculus (tartar) from teeth, generally above the gum line..

  • What is the English word for dentistry?

    noun. den\xb7​tist\xb7​ry ˈden-tə-strē : the art or profession of a dentist..

  • Meaning of odontologist in English
    a person who studies the structure and diseases of teeth, especially one who uses their knowledge to identify people and help solve crimes: The odontologist can help identify the victims by using dental evidence.
  • noun. den\xb7​tist\xb7​ry ˈden-tə-strē : the art or profession of a dentist.
dentistry. / (ˈdɛntɪstrɪ) / noun. the branch of medical science concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the teeth and gums.

What are the different fields of dentistry?

In addition to general practice, dentistry includes ,many specialties and subspecialties, including:

  1. orthodontics and dental orthopedics
  2. pediatric dentistry
  3. periodontics
  4. prosthodontics
  5. oral and maxillofacial surgery
  6. oral and maxillofacial pathology
  7. endodontics
  8. public health dentistry
  9. oral and maxillofacial radiology

What does dentistry mean?

Dentistry is concerned with prevention, diagnosis, and management of diseases of the teeth, gums and sockets and with the supply and fitting of artificial teeth.


What is the history of dentistry?

The history of dentistry is almost as ancient as the history of humanity and civilization with the earliest evidence dating from 7000 BC to 5500 BC. Dentistry is thought to have been the first specialization in medicine which have gone on to develop its own accredited degree with its own specializations.

Sustainability trend in dental services

Eco-friendly dentistry aims at reducing the detrimental impact of dental services on the environment while still being able to adhere to the regulations and standards of the dental industries in their respective countries.

List of definitions of terms and concepts commonly used in dentistry

This is a list of definitions of commonly used terms of location and direction in dentistry.
This set of terms provides orientation within the oral cavity, much as anatomical terms of location provide orientation throughout the body.


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