Dentistry melbourne uni

  • Does University of Melbourne have dentistry?

    About Dentistry and oral health
    At Melbourne, you'll learn from internationally renowned dental academics and be exposed to the clinical expertise of local specialists.
    Our top-quality dental teaching facilities are the best in the southern hemisphere, offering you a high-quality clinical experience..

The Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) at University of Melbourne is the first Australian professional-entry, master's-level dental degree.Entry requirementsHow to applyFees & scholarshipsWhat will I study?

What is a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DCD) degree?

The Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DCD) degree at University of Melbourne is for general dentists who wish to become specialists.
The (DCD) degree is designed to provide the opportunity to advance professional knowledge and skills in one of the specialist areas to an expert level and engage new and emerging relevant fields of study.


Where can I get a dental degree in Melbourne?

You will be able to undertake clinical experience through the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne and its associated clinics under the instruction of University of Melbourne staff.
Practice also occurs at the new Melbourne Dental Clinic situated at 723 Swanston St, Carlton.


Why should you study at University of Melbourne?

High quality health care for you.
Providing learning opportunities for our students.
Study at University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences.
Australia’s leading University for research and student outcomes.


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