Dentistry queensland

  • How do I become a dentist in Queensland?

    UQ's Doctor of Dental Medicine is a 3.5-year, full-time program available to applicants who have completed a prior university degree.
    This intensive program allows you to fast-track your studies to become a registered dental professional..

  • How do I become a dentist in Queensland?

    UQ's Doctor of Dental Medicine is a 3.5-year, full-time program available to applicants who have completed a prior university degree.
    This intensive program allows you to fast-track your studies to become a registered dental professional.Aug 10, 2023.

  • What do you need to get into the University of Queensland dentistry?

    Entry requirements
    Queensland Year 12 (or equivalent) General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C); Chemistry (Units 3 & 4, C) (Biology also recommended), with a minimum ATAR of 99.0 (or equivalent) and UCAT (from the year you apply).
    View how UQ applies the UCAT scores..

  • Entry requirements
    Queensland Year 12 (or equivalent) General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C); Chemistry (Units 3 & 4, C) (Biology also recommended), with a minimum ATAR of 99.0 (or equivalent) and UCAT (from the year you apply).
    View how UQ applies the UCAT scores.
  • Straight from high school.
    For a small number of high-achieving school leavers, direct entry into a double degree Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Dental Medicine (7-year degree) will give you the opportunity to study a three-year undergraduate science degree, before undertaking the four-year Doctor of Dental Medicine.
Use your existing qualifications to make the move to a career in dentistry with the Doctor of Dental Medicine — a new 3.5 year, full-time graduate entry program  Bachelor of Dental Science Doctor of Dental MedicineContactOur People
Welcome to the School of Dentistry at The University of Queensland. As one of Australia's leading oral health educators, the School is recognised nationally and  Bachelor of Dental Science Doctor of Dental MedicineContactOur People


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