Evidence-based dentistry examples

  • What is an example of evidence based practice in dentistry?

    The shared decision-making process includes the patient in informed treatment choices.
    For example, a dental professional could present a patient with clinical evidence on procedure success rates, risks, benefits and costs to help them decide between a root canal or an extraction.Jun 3, 2019.

  • What is dentistry based on the evidence?

    EBD is an approach to oral healthcare that requires the judicious integration of: systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating to the patient's oral and medical condition and history, with. the dentist's clinical expertise, and. the patient's treatment needs and preferences..

  • What is evidence-based decision making in dental practice?

    the evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is an approach to oral health-care-decision making that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessment of clinically relevant scientific evidence relating to the patient's oral health and medical condition and history, together with the dentist's clinical expertise and Feb 11, 2019.

  • Evidence-Based Dentistry Databases and Critically Appraised Article Resources

    ADA Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. Cochrane Oral Health Group. Dental Critically Appraised Topics (UTHSCSA) Dental Elf. Evidence-based Endodontics Literature Database. Evidentista (Pan American Centers for Evidence Based Dentistry)
  • The EBD Cycle: The 5 A's
    Search for the best evidence.
    Critically appraise the evidence found.
    Apply the results of the appraisal into clinical practice.
    Evaluate the outcomes in the clinical setting.
  • the evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is an approach to oral health-care-decision making that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessment of clinically relevant scientific evidence relating to the patient's oral health and medical condition and history, together with the dentist's clinical expertise and Feb 11, 2019
Jun 3, 2019Systematic reviews, case-controlled studies and randomised, controlled clinical trials are examples of types of evidence that are valid 

How does AAPD contribute to evidence-based dentistry?

Learn about AAPD’s contribution to Evidence-Based Dentistry and how to apply Evidence-Based Dentistry best practices in your own research and day-to-day practice of pediatric dentistry.
Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is, at its core, extracting the evidence from dental research, critically appraising it and synthesizing it into clinical guidelines.


What are the different types of evidence-based resources?

There are many available types of evidence-based resources, characterized by their degrees of coverage of preappraised or summarized evidence at varying levels of processing, from primary studies to systematic reviews and clinical guidelines.
The practice of evidence-based dentistry requires familiarity with these resources.


What are the three main areas of evidence-based dental care?

As it is clearly evident, the ADA identifies three main areas in evidence-based dental care:

  1. Relevant scientific evidence
  2. patient needs and preference
  3. dentists’ clinical expertise

What is evidence-based dentistry?

Evidence-based dentistry (EBD) is, at its core, extracting the evidence from dental research, critically appraising it and synthesizing it into clinical guidelines.
The rest is up to you.
You treat your patient using the best evidence coupled with clinical judgment and experience.
These guidelines reflect a new age in pediatric dentistry research.

Review approach based on empirical evidence

Evidence-based assessment (EBA) refers to the application of research and theory in selecting constructs for a specific assessment purpose, as well as informing the methods and measures used in the assessment process.
This approach recognizes that, despite data from psychometrically robust measures, the assessment process inherently involves iterative decision-making.
Clinicians formulate and test hypotheses by integrating often incomplete and inconsistent data.
EBA has been shown to aid clinicians in reducing cognitive biases in their clinical decisions.
Evidence-based assessment is a component of the broader movement towards evidence-based practices.

Software estimation based on data collection and analysis

Evidence-based scheduling is a software estimation approach created by Joel Spolsky, a commentator on software engineering principles.
Evidence-based Scheduling is based on at least two core ideas: including all time spent, and using a Monte Carlo completion date prediction method.
Evidence-based scheduling is an example of an evidence-based practice.


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