Dental testimonials

  • How do I get more reviews for my dental practice?

    7 Must-Follow Habits to Gain More Dental Patient Google Reviews

    1. Set up a business profile with Google
    2. Send review requests by text
    3. Automate your review requests
    4. Monitor your practice's online reviews
    5. Engage with online reviewers
    6. Utilize email as an alternative
    7. Provide the best patient journey possible

Excellent service they go above and beyond i love the staff, they see me immediately if needed and workout with my time schedule do their best to keep clients 

How does veranda dentistry record patient testimonials?

Veranda Dentistry uses Vocal Video to record patient testimonials

They use the stories of happy patients on social media, on their website, and more

Dental patient testimonials are useful for building your brand and to get new patients to sign up

There are many more real customer examples here – all playable

What are dental patient testimonials & reviews?

Dental patient testimonials and reviews are some of the best ways dental practices can build trust in their brand and attract new patients

It’s common for medical practices to use dental patient testimonials on their website, blog, and social media channels as well email communications

Why do patients look for testimonials?

The patient is not sure where to start and how to approach it, so the practice either gets sugary testimonials or no testimonials

Prospective patients have zero idea what kind of clinician you are

So they look to signs of familiarity and trust


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