Restorative dentistry quizlet

  • How does dental restoration work?

    Direct dental restoration completes all the work within the mouth.
    It's commonly-known as filling since involves placing malleable substances into a cavity.
    They do so after preparing and cleaning the cavity.
    Afterward, they harden the material to help restore the structure and appearance of the impacted tooth..

  • What is restorative dental science?

    Restorative dentistry is the study, diagnosis and integrated management of diseases of the teeth and their supporting structures and the rehabilitation of the dentition to functional and aesthetic requirements of the individual..

  • What is restorative dentistry NHS?

    Restorative dentistry is concerned with the care of patients who require restoration of the oral and the dental tissues.
    This involves the disciplines of periodontics (gums), endodontics (root canal therapy / removal of dental nerve) and prosthodontics (crowns, bridges and dentures), which includes dental implants..

  • What is restorative in dentistry?

    Restorative dentistry refers to any dental procedure that repairs or replaces a tooth.
    Restorative procedures include cavity fillings, root canals, and even dental implants.
    There can be two goals in restorative dentistry: to restore the function of the teeth and to restore the appearance of the teeth..

  • What is the goal of restorative dentistry?

    The goal of restorative dentistry is to restore the function and integrity of the tooth structure, function and health, while maintaining a natural appearance..

Rating 3.0 (1) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A liquid with high viscosity ______ flow easily and ______ effective in weting a surface, 
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what is restorative dentistry?, deciding a treatment plan for the cavity, what things need 

What is a cavity preparation?

Process of decay removal and tooth design in preparation for restoring a tooth

Internal surface of a cavity preparation

Cavity preparation step that allows the dentist easier access when restoring a tooth

A space between two teeth

Type of dentistry that improves the appearance of teeth by camouflaging defects and whitening teeth

What is considered restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is concerned with the study, diagnosis, examination and treatment of the oral cavity to an improved/original state

It involves the repair and replacement of damaged or missing teeth


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