Dentistry study abroad

  • Best countries to study dentistry

    Applicants who are from countries outside of the UK are defined as international students.
    The yearly intake of international students that a dental school can accept is capped by the government.
    The application procedures for international students are the same as those described on the applications page..

  • Can I study dentistry in Sweden in English?

    Our programmes are taught in Swedish
    Our undergraduate programmes are entirely taught in Swedish.
    One of the entry requirements is proficiency in Swedish, equivalent to the level of the Swedish upper secondary school course “Swedish 3” (Svenska 3/Svenska som andraspr\xe5k 3)..

  • Can you study dentistry in Germany in English?

    Although dentistry programs in Germany are primarily offered in German, a few universities provide English-taught specialization programs in dentistry.
    Some of the dentistry specializations you can pursue include, but are not limited to the following: Paediatric Dentistry.

  • Study Dentistry in Europe

    Our programmes are taught in Swedish
    Our undergraduate programmes are entirely taught in Swedish.
    One of the entry requirements is proficiency in Swedish, equivalent to the level of the Swedish upper secondary school course “Swedish 3” (Svenska 3/Svenska som andraspr\xe5k 3)..

  • Which country is best for studying dentistry?

    Best countries to study dentistry
    If you're looking for the best dentistry schools, then you should consider studying in Europe or the US.
    Europe is home to many of the most respected schools in the world, with top universities in the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and Switzerland..

  • Which European countries teach dentistry in English?

    Germany offers students of medicine and dentistry a broad selection of first-rate universities..

346 Universities offering Dentistry courses abroadMassachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)George Brown CollegeClarkson University.
Best universities to study dentistryUniversidad CEU San PabloLane Community CollegeUCAM Universidad Católica de MurciaLouisiana State University.

How much does it cost to study dentistry in Europe?

Tuition fees on the continent range from €3,800 to over €30,000 per academic year

The difference in prices comes mainly from the economic state of the countries and the various fiscal rules they observe

Nonetheless, the cost of studying dentistry in Europe can be very advantageous for international students


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