Why dentistry is better than medicine

Between the two, dentistry is believed to allow a better lifestyle and work-life balance. Dental work is more specific and requires less need for unsociable working hours. An average dentist can secure a nine-to-five job, while UK doctors, for example, often take long-hours shifts at hospitals.

Length of Studies

Winner: Dentistry (six years) In terms of how long it takes to reach the end of study and training for each profession, dentistry wins out

Which Is More Difficult?

When it comes to how hard both subjects are to study, there isn’t a massive amount of difference. In the pre-clinical years at least

Entry Requirements For Dentistry vs. Medicine

Getting onto a dental or medical course in the UK is fairly similar but maybe medicine is the more difficult. Here’s why… 1

Which Is More Competitive?

Winner: Dentistry (fewer places) Medicine has fewer applicants per year (ranging from 10-18:1 applicants to places) than dentistry (15:1). As a result

How Much Do Doctors & Dentists Make in The UK?

Winner: Dentistry (higher potential earnings) Obviously a big question you’re going to want to think about is money

What Skills Do You Need to Be A Doctor Or A Dentist?

Aside from good knowledge of the sciences, both professions are dependent on the following skills: 1. Effective communication 2. Leadership 3

Dentistry vs Medicine: Work-Life Balance

Winner: Dentistry Dentistry is usually considered to be the better lifestyle choice between the two jobs. That’s because the work is more specific


If you’re still undecided about which job you’d rather go for

Is dentistry better than medicine?

Dentistry is usually considered to be the better lifestyle choice between the two jobs

That’s because the work is more specific, with less need for unsociable working hours

One thing to think about here however is that it’s entirely possible to have a good work-life balance in medicine too

Should you work in medicine or dentistry?

If you are interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, then one of the first decisions you will have to make is whether you want to work in medicine or dentistry

There is a considerable amount of overlap between the two fields, and so it’s important to do plenty of research before making your choice

What is the difference between a doctor and a dentist?

Doctors are privilege to some of the most intimate moments in people’s lives

Dentistry offers a lot more hands-on practical skills compared to Medicine

Dental surgeries can cut through a lot of the bureaucracy associated with hospitals

Dentists can have more freedom in their working hours and pay compared to NHS doctors

There is no definitively superior career choice when it comes to medicine and dentistry. They’re both highly respected professions that can offer incredibly rewarding careers. Which field a student should pursue will come down to individual preferences and personal aspirations.When it comes to matters of the teeth, gums, and surrounding facial area, it’s best to choose dentistry over traditional medicine. Additionally, making regular appointments with your dentist can help keep other areas of your body healthy, too.


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