Dentistry is not expensive neglect is

  • How does dental neglect affect oral health?

    Severe untreated dental disease can cause: toothache. disturbed sleep. difficulty eating or change in food preferences..

  • What are the dangers of dental neglect?

    What Risks Lie in Wait Due to Neglecting Your Teeth?

    Bad Breath (Halitosis) Garlic, and onions are not the only things to cause bad breath. Gum Disease.
    Gums are not supposed to bleed when you brush and floss your teeth. Tooth Loss. Diabetes. Kidney Disease. Heart Disease. Don't Neglect Your Teeth and Gums..

  • What is the definition of dental neglect?

    Dental neglect is the “willful failure of a parent or guardian to seek or follow through with treatment necessary to ensure a level of oral health essential for adequate function and freedom from pain and infection,” as defined by the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2010)..

  • Why do people neglect dental care?

    Along with the fear of dentists, people also have a fear of instruments.
    This is one of the top reasons why they ignore their regular dental health.
    People usually fear that dental treatments will involve scary dental instruments..

  • There are many factors that contribute to gingivitis and periodontitis, including:

    smoking.poor brushing habits.frequent snacking on sugary foods and drinks.diabetes.the use of medications that reduce the amount of saliva in the history, or genetics.certain infections, such as HIV or AIDS.
  • Severe untreated dental disease can cause: toothache. disturbed sleep. difficulty eating or change in food preferences.
If you want to save money on dental care, invest in floss, toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste! The good news is that you can have a huge impact on how long you keep each tooth, and how healthy it is.

Never Go to Bed Without Brushing Your Teeth

The best time to brush is about an hour after you eat. The ideal practice is to brush after every meal and snack. However

Brush Your Tongue

Plaque also accumulates on your tongue, which can this lead to bad breath and other oral health problems

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

We recommend using fluoride toothpastefor best oral protection. It helps remineralize damage to enamel caused from bacteria and acid in your mouth

Be as Dedicated to Flossing as to Brushing

Flossing removes stuck food particles, but it also stimulates the gums, reduces plaque, and help reduce gum inflammation

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash has multiple benefits, depending on the product, including reducing acid in the mouth, cleaning hard-to-brush areas in and around the gums

Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Our teeth evolved to benefit from a workout, so it’s good for our jaws and teeth to eat crunchy, chewy things. Instead of soft processed foods

Avoid Sugary and Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acid erodes tooth enamel, which causes cavities. The bacteria in the mouth can also convert sugar to acid in the mouth

Drink Lots of Water

Water is good for your overall health as well as your oral health

See Us at Least Twice Yearly

Professional cleanings are a necessary component of dental care. It is not possible for you to be able to clean every area effectively on your own

Is dental neglect a serious issue?

Indeed, dental neglect is a very serious issue, and in some cases, it can be one of the first steps towards identifying wider neglect or abuse

While the definition above focuses on children, it's important to remember that this information applies to individuals of all ages

Is it expensive to see a dentist?

Now, granted, not every dentist visit is going to cost you an arm and a leg, but in most cases, it’s rather expensive to visit the tooth doc

Not to mention the unpleasantness and anxiety a lot of people feel when they have to go and have some dental work done

On top of all that, we’ve witnessed some unethical moves from certain dentists

Is private dentistry more expensive than the NHS?

The common assumption is that private dentistry is more expensive but this may not always be the case and usually the service and treatment outcome you receive is better and unrestricted

Cosmetic treatment is not available on the NHS

This means the materials/treatments which produce the best appearance are often not used

dentists are not expensive neglect is Forget about the money. Just think of losing your teeth. They are like precious pearls that cannot be replaced. Neglect could mean cavities and loss of teeth.People think dental treatment is expensive. Yes, it does involve a lot of technique and various material costs to be borne by the dentist to restore a tooth. But having said that, dental costs can be kept to a minimal by practicing preventive dental treatment. That would involve you visiting a dentist every 6 months for a routine check-up.


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Dentistry is an art and science
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Dentistry is not expensive
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