What is involved in a dermatology exam

  • What happens at a dermatology appointment?

    At your face to face appointment we will conduct an assessment of your skin, discuss your treatment options and provide you with information relevant to your treatment.
    If your initial appointment is a telephone call this will be done when you attend your first appointment in the department..

  • What is a skin examination?

    A skin exam is sometimes called a total body skin exam.
    It allows your doctor or other trained health professional to look for any signs of skin cancer or abnormal areas of skin.
    Getting regular and thorough skin exams can help find skin cancer early..

  • A skin exam is sometimes called a total body skin exam.
    It allows your doctor or other trained health professional to look for any signs of skin cancer or abnormal areas of skin.
    Getting regular and thorough skin exams can help find skin cancer early.
After taking your medical history, you'll be offered a gown to wear during the exam. Your dermatologist will perform a thorough examination of your skin, including the scalp, face, neck, trunk, arms, legs and hands.
During the exam Your dermatologist will thoroughly check your skin from head to toe, paying close attention to hard-to-see spots like your scalp, back and buttocks, behind your ears, and even between your toes.
Your doctor will then do a head-to-toe skin exam, making note of any spots that need monitoring or closer examination. My screenings typically include an exam of my scalp, face, mouth, hands, feet, trunk and extremities, eyes and eyelids, ears, fingers, toes and toenails.

Skin Cancer Screening: What to Expect

Your appointment will involve a thorough examination of your skin — from the top of your scalp to the bottoms of your feet — by a dermatologist

What Happens If They Find something?

If your doctor finds a spot that could be cancerous orpre-cancerous

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands with Self-Screening

Regardless of how often you see your dermatologist

What questions do dermatologists ask during a consultation?

Once the dermatologist is ready to see you, the doctor will first speak with you about any questions or concerns you may have

During this time, our doctors will also ask a few precursor questions regarding your health such as family history and previous medical situations, if applicable

We’ll then take the time to get to know your comfort level

In order to earn certification in dermatology, applicants who are deemed eligible must pass a psychometrically validated exam that evaluates practical knowledge in dermatology. The written exam consists of 200 multiple-choice items and is administered over a four-hour session.Because skin cancer can occur anywhere on your body, a full body skin exam, or skin cancer screening, is from head to toe. Your dermatologist will start by examining your hair and your scalp and will then check your face, neck, chest, arms, hands, abdomen, back, buttocks, legs, and feet. Each part of your skin will be thoroughly examined.A dermatologist will check your skin from head to toe, making note of any spots that need monitoring or further treatment. Many dermatologists will use a lighted magnifier called a dermatoscope to view moles and spots closely. These devices assist the dermatologist in determining if a mole or spot is normal or abnormal.A full body skin exam, or skin cancer screening, is a visual exam that checks the skin for certain unusual marks which may be signs of skin cancer. Birthmarks, moles, and other suspicious spots that have an unusual color, size, shape, or texture are what dermatologists usually pay most attention to during these screenings.


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