Dermatology quiz for medical students

How can I test my knowledge of skin pathology?

Put your knowledge of skin pathology to the test with this dermatology quiz.
Check out our guide to taking a dermatological history here.
You might also be interested in our collection of 900+ OSCE Stations, including:

  1. a range of dermatology and skin lesion stations

What does a dermatologist do?

A dermatologist is a special kind of doctor who manages..
A Farmer comes to the skin OPD with single warty lesion on his leg.
Probable diagnosis is Similar to a vescle but larger usually more than 5mm in diameter, consisting of clear fluid accumulated within or below the epidermis.
Subject wise MCQ test - Dermatology.


What GCSEs do you need to be a dermatologist?

To be a dermatologist you need to qualify as a doctor first.
Beyond the standard maths/English language/science, there aren't any specific GCSEs you need to take.
Pick a range of subjects that interest you - languages are always a good shout.
Triple science is good but if it's not available then the double award is fine too.


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