Dermatology physical exam descriptions

  • How do you describe a rash on a physical exam?

    The patient

    1. Basics of rash description.
    2. Site; shape; size; symmetry.
    3. Specifics.
    4. Excoriation.
      Crusting, hyperkeratosis or scale. visibility of blood vessels.

  • How would you describe a rash on a physical exam?

    Macule: a flat area of altered colour less than 1.5cm in diameter.
    Patch: a flat area of altered colour greater than 1.5cm in diameter.
    Papule: a solid raised palpable lesion less than 0.5cm in diameter.
    Nodule: a solid raised palpable lesion greater than 0.5cm in diameter..

  • What is a physical exam of the skin?

    An ideal examination includes evaluation of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
    The examination often begins with an assessment of the entire skin viewed at a distance, which is then narrowed down to focus on the individual lesions..

  • What is a physical examination of a skin condition?

    An ideal examination includes evaluation of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
    The examination often begins with an assessment of the entire skin viewed at a distance, which is then narrowed down to focus on the individual lesions..

  • This includes assessment of skin color, moisture, temperature, texture, mobility and turgor, and skin lesions.
    Inspect and palpate the fingernails and toenails, noting their color and shape and whether any lesions are present.
A good dermatology exam requires a well lit room and sometimes a hand held light. Sometimes, you may need a ruler and magnifiying glass. Remember that sometimes 
The diagnosis of any skin lesion starts with an accurate description of it. To do that, you need to know how to describe a lesion with the associated language.

How is a skin problem diagnosed?

This topic last updated:

  1. May 08
  2. 2023

The initial approach to the patient presenting with a skin problem requires a detailed history of the current skin complaint and a complete skin examination ( figure 1A-B) [ 1 ].
In many cases, the patient's general medical history may be relevant to the diagnosis of skin disorders.

What is the first stage of a skin examination?

The first stage of a skin examination is to inspect the skin.
General observation is important to determine the pattern of distribution or configuration of either solitary lesions, or groups of lesions or large areas of skin eruption.
For example, a rash covering a large area of the body would be described as a generalised eruption.


What should be included in a skin examination?

Include a systemic check.
Patient consent needs to be gained prior to a skin examination.
The skin should be examined in a warm and private room with good natural light or artificial light, which does not change skin colour.
It is important to touch the skin and never examine one lesion in isolation.


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