Dermatology study day

  • A dermatoscope is a handheld instrument, a bit like a magnifying glass.
    It can make things bigger (magnify) by up to 10 times.
    Your specialist puts some oil or gel onto your skin.
    They then hold the dermatoscope on to your skin so they can examine the area very closely.
Apr 29, 2019On Saturday, 6th April we hosted our fourth annual Dermatology Study Day in the Ashling Hotel, Dublin. The programme was aimed at healthcare 

How has dermatology changed over the years?

The study of skin, the science of dermatology, has undergone significant transformations throughout the centuries.
From the first descriptions of skin diseases in Egyptian papyri and in Hippocratic writings to the first treatises on dermatology, important individuals and discoveries have marked the specialty.


How many clinical trials are there in dermatology?

Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical studies are critical for the advancement of medicine and the field of dermatology.
Between 2005 and 2012, the FDA approved 188 new therapies for 206 indications on the basis of the results from 448 trials ( Downing et al., 2014 ).


When should a dermatologist review a textbook?

Ideally, one textbook and the Dermatology In-Review text should be reviewed during the six months prior to the boards.
Residents should create a study schedule that allows review of all pertinent topics within the six months prior to the test date.
A reasonable goal is two hours a day during the week, and 8-10 hours during the weekend.


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