Dermatology lecture notes ppt

What are the components of dermis?

Dermis several components:

  1. Fibers:
  2. collagen and elastic fibers Ground substance (GAGs) Cells:
  3. Fibroblasts
  4. Lymphocytes
  5. Macro
  6. Mast cells

Appendages:Glands ( sebaceous, Apocrine and Eccrine), Hair follicles and Nails Supportive structures:Nerves, lymphatics, vasculature, smooth muscles .

What topics are included in a dermatology PowerPoint presentation?

Our Dermatology PowerPoint presentations include:

  1. presentations on Dermatology
  2. Itchy Skin
  3. Allergy
  4. Dermatologist
  5. Chickenpox
  6. Epidemiology
  7. Infection
  8. Cosmetics
  9. Aromatherapy
  10. Beauty Treatment
  11. Beautician
  12. Skincare
  13. Alternative Therapy and many more concepts and categories in the field of Dermatology and Skincare

Where can I download free dermatology notes & templates? is a free online resource where you can download more free stuff for medics including:

  1. free Dermatology notes
  2. free Dermatology Word Document templates and free WordPress themes

Our free Dermatology templates can be used in personal and commercial Document and Brochures.

Where can I find information about dermatology?

Graham-Brown R, Burns T (2007) Lecture Notes:

  1. Dermatology 9th Edition

University Press:Oxford.
This is a dermatology site from New Zealand which provides in-depth information on a wide range of dermatological conditions.
The website of the British Association of Dermatologists.
The website for NHS Education for Scotland.


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