Dermatology list of skin conditions

  • How do dermatologists diagnose skin conditions?

    Doctors can identify many skin disorders simply by looking at the skin.
    A full skin examination includes examination of the scalp, nails, and mucous membranes.
    Sometimes the doctor uses a hand-held lens or a dermatoscope (which includes a magnifying lens and a built-in light) to better see the areas of concern..

  • How do I know what skin conditions I have?

    Black light examination (Wood light test), using an ultraviolet (UV) light to view your skin's pigment more clearly.
    Diascopy, pressing a microscope slide against a skin patch to see if the skin changes color.
    Dermoscopy, using a hand-held device called a dermatoscope to diagnose skin lesions.Oct 6, 2021.

  • How many conditions are there in dermatology?

    What are the most common types of skin diseases?

    Acne, blocked skin follicles that lead to oil, bacteria and dead skin buildup in your pores.Alopecia areata, losing your hair in small patches.Atopic dermatitis (eczema), dry, itchy skin that leads to swelling, cracking or scaliness..

  • What are the 10 most common skin disorders?

    Although relatively straightforward to examine, the skin is the largest organ and has numerous potential abnormalities - there are about 1500 distinct skin diseases and many variants..

  • What is the most common disease in dermatology?

    Skin irregularities that are typically symptoms of a skin disorder include:

    1raised bumps that are red or white.2a rash, which might be painful or itchy.3scaly or rough skin.4peeling skin.5ulcers.6open sores or lesions.7dry, cracked skin.8discolored patches of skin..

  • What is the most common disease in dermatology?

    There are more than 3,000 identified varieties of skin disease that can cause symptoms ranging from simple burning and itch, to severe emotional and social effects, to physical disfigurement or death..

  • Acanthosis nigricans.
  • Acne.
  • Actinic keratosis.
  • Aging spots - should you be concerned?
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Alopecia areata.
  • Athlete's foot.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
View all conditions
  • Acne.
  • Acne scarring.
  • Actinic keratosis.
  • Age spots (liver spots)
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Basal cell carcinoma.
  • Bullous pemphigoid.


Acne is commonly locatedTrusted Sourceon the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back.


Actinic Keratosis

This condition causes a thick, scaly, or crusty skin patch.



Blisters are characterized by a watery, clear, fluid-filled area on the skin.



This causes a red, painful, and irritated lump under your skin.


Cold Sore

This condition causes a red, painful, fluid-filled blister that appears near the mouth and lips.
People with lighter skin may notice more redness than those with darker skin.



Eczema is characterized by yellow or white scaly patches that flake off.



This causes itchy, raised welts that occurafter exposure to an allergen.


Latex Allergy

This condition is considered a medical emergency.
Urgent care may be required.
Contact 911 or local emergency services.
1) This causes a rash, which may occur within minutes to hours after exposure to a latex product.
It may beless visible on darker skin or appear lighter or darker than surrounding tissue.
2) It also causes warm, itchy wheals at th.



This chronic skin disease goes through cycles of fading and relapse.

A number of diseases/syndromes of the human body may be associated with the development of café au lait macules.
There are many different keratin proteins normally expressed in the human integumentary system.
Mutations in keratin proteins in the skin can cause disease.
Mutations of proteins that hold the cells of the skin together can cause disease.
Autoantibodies against proteins that hold the cells of the skin together can also cause disease.
Many conditions of or affecting the human integumentary system have associated abnormalities of the teeth.
There are many human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles associated with conditions of or affecting the human integumentary system
Several cutaneous conditions can be diagnosed with the aid of immunofluorescence studies.
Many conditions of or affecting the human integumentary system have associated features that may be found by performing an x-ray or CT scan of the affected person.

Skin condition

Sticky skin syndrome or acquired cutaneous adherence is a condition where the skin becomes sticky and objects may adhere to it.
It is occasionally caused by the use of pharmaceutical drugs and chemotherapy drugs.


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