Taking a dermatology history

  • What are the health history questions for skin?

    Specialised techniques used in examination of the skin include: Dermoscopy for pigmented lesions to diagnose melanoma.
    Skin biopsy for histology and direct immunofluorescence.
    Patch tests to identify type 4 contact hypersensitivity reactions.
    Skin scrapings or nail clippings for mycology (fungal infections)..

What is involved in dermatology history taking?

Dermatology history taking INTRODUCTION 1Introduces themselves 2Confirms patient details 3Establishes presenting complaint using open questioning HISTORY OF PRESENTING COMPLAINT 4Onset / duration 5Course 6Location / distribution of skin problem 7Exacerbating / relieving factors 8Associated symptoms 9Previous episodes .


What questions should a dermatologist ask a patient?

Probably the single most important question that should be asked is the duration of the disorder.
Initially, the history should be brief and limited to the duration and location of the cutaneous disorder.
The dermatologic database should also include:

  1. the age
  2. skin shade
  3. sex
  4. occupation of the patient

Why should a patient take a skin problem history?

Detailed history taking and examination provide important diagnostic clues in the assessment of skin problems.
Using the standard structure of history taking, below are the important points to consider when taking a history from a patient with a skin problem (Table 1).


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