Dermatology rash description terms

  • What is the descriptive term for rash?

    Exanthem is another term for a rash.
    Excoriation is an area of the skin covered by a crust, or scab, usually caused by scratching.Jan 7, 2022.

  • A skin rash occurs when skin becomes red, inflamed and bumpy.
    Some skin rashes are dry and itchy.
    Some are painful.
    Many things can bring on a skin rash, including viruses, bacteria, allergens and skin conditions like eczema.
  • Patch Test.
    If dermatologists suspect that allergic dermatitis is causing your rash, a patch test is the most effective diagnostic tool.
    Usually, the test requires three visits to the doctor's office over the course of one week.
  • Rashes fall into three general categories: infectious, inflammatory, and immune system-related.
    Infectious Rashes – These rashes are most commonly bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
May 30, 2018Historical characteristics of lesions and rashes are also key elements of the (Description terminology is from Mosby's Guide to Physical 
A gyrate rash appears to be whirling in a circle. A linear lesion, also known as striate, is like a line and often occurs from trauma such as scratching. Nummular or discoid means round or coin-shaped lesions. Target lesions, also known as iris lesions, have concentric rings like an archery target.
Dermatological terms for the shape of a lesion Annular lesions are grouped in a circle. A gyrate rash appears to be whirling in a circle. A linear lesion, also known as striate, is like a line and often occurs from trauma such as scratching. Nummular or discoid means round or coin-shaped lesions.

What are the characteristics of a rash?

When describing a rash there are many characteristics to make note of, including its primary morphology, secondary morphology, demarcation, colour, configuration, and distribution

The focus or this article will be on primary morphology

Within primary morphology you can stratify a lesion based on whether it is flat or elevated

Depending on how it looks, a rash may be described as: blistering (raised oval or round collections of fluid within or beneath the outer layer of skin) macular (flat spots) nodular (small, firm, knotty rounded mass) papular (small solid slightly raised areas) pustular (pus-containing skin blister).

Here are some other common terms used to describe rashes:

  • Bulla (plural bullae): A fluid-filled sac that is greater than 1 cm in diameter.
  • Comedone: A plug made of skin oils and keratinous material found in a follicle. ...
More itemsThe opposite of distal is proximal / Distribution = the site of the body affected by a skin lesion or rash / Dorsal = the back of the hand or top of the foot / Drug eruption = a rash caused by injection, ingestion, inhalation, or insertion of a drug / Dystrophy = degeneration or abnormal formation of the skin.An extensive language has been developed to standardize the description of skin lesions, including Lesion type (sometimes called primary morphology) Lesion configuration (sometimes called secondary morphology) Texture Location and distribution Color Rash is a general term for a temporary skin eruption.


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