Geometric description of span v1 v2

  • How do you describe a span geometrically?

    The geometric span is largest possible distance between two points drawn from a finite set of points.
    It is therefore closely related to the generalized diameter of a closed figure..

  • How do you describe the span of two vectors geometrically?

    The span of the vector (1,1,1) is the set of all vectors (λ, λ, λ); it is the line through the origin going through the point (1,1,1).
    If v and w are two vectors then the span of these vectors consists of all linear combinations λ v + \xb5 w.
    Now λ v is parallel to v and \xb5 w is parallel to w..

  • What is the geometric description of the span?

    The geometric span is largest possible distance between two points drawn from a finite set of points.
    It is therefore closely related to the generalized diameter of a closed figure..

  • What is the geometric interpretation of the span of vectors?

    If two vectors are linearly dependent their span is the line determined by the vectors (the line made by a vector starting at the origin).
    If two vectors are linearly independent their span is the plane.
    For three linearly independent vectors the span is the entire three dimensional space..

  • The span of two vectors is basically a way of asking what are all the possible vectors you can reach using these two by only using those fundamental operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication.
Span [v1,V2) is the set of points on the line through v1 and 0 Span (vt,v2) is the plane in R3 that contains vy, V2, and 0.

What is span v1v2 for the vectors v1 and V2?

Give a geometric description of Span {v1,v2} for the vectors v1 and v2

Choose the correct answer below A

Span {v1,v2} is the set of points on the line through v1 and 0


Span {v1,v2} is the plane in 3 that contains This problem has been solved!

What is the span of V and W in a linear system?

Therefore, the linear system is consistent for every vector b, which implies that the span of v and w is R2

Notation 2 3 4

We will denote the span of the set of vectors v1, v2, …, vn by \laspanv1, v2, …, vn

In the previous activity, we saw two examples, both of which considered two vectors v and w in R2

For the geometric discription, I think you have to check how many vectors of the set 𝒗𝟏 = [−1 2 1], 𝒗𝟐 = [5 0 2], 𝒗𝟑 = [−3 2 2] are linearly independent. If there is only one, then the span is a line through the origin. If there are two then it is a plane through the origin. If all are independent, then it is the 3-dimensional space.


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