Descriptive statistics by group in stata

  • Can you do descriptive statistics for categorical variables?

    Descriptive statistics used to analyse data for a single categorical variable include frequencies, percentages, fractions and/or relative frequencies (which are simply frequencies divided by the sample size) obtained from the variable's frequency distribution table..

  • How to get descriptive statistics by group in Stata?

    Enter the quantitative variable for which you want descriptive statistics under “Variables:”, check the “Group statistics by variable:” box, and fill in the name of your grouping variable in the box beneath “Group statistics by variable:”.
    Check the first box beside “mean” under “Statistics to display”..

  • How to get descriptive statistics from Stata?

    To obtain the most basic descriptives (N, mean, std. deviation, min and max) the command is simply summarize [varname(s)] if you do not specify a variable, Stata will print them all.
    The format for summarize is a list: One particularly useful options for summarize is the , detail option..

  • What are the descriptive statistics for categorical variables?

    Descriptive statistics for one categorical variable
    Descriptive statistics used to analyse data for a single categorical variable include frequencies, percentages, fractions and/or relative frequencies (which are simply frequencies divided by the sample size) obtained from the variable's frequency distribution table..

  • What is descriptive statistics in Stata?

    Descriptive statistics is vital to understanding the nature of your data.
    It provides a basic description of your data and allows you to explore the formats ("display format") of the variables.
    We will use the describe command to get descriptive statistics.Sep 23, 2023.

  • Which command is use to calculate descriptive statistics on sub groups?

    When calculating descriptives for more complex designs including more than one independent variable, you can also use the Means/ Compare Means or the Descriptive Statistics/ Crosstabs command which allow you to calculate descriptive statistics of subgroups..

  • Simply type summarize into the "Command" window.
    You can also summarize by variable. (Type summarize dog, detail to get more detailed information about the variable "dog".) For practice, obtain a detailed summary for the variable "cat".
  • tabstat displays summary statistics for a series of numeric variables in one table.
    It allows you to specify the list of statistics to be displayed.
    Statistics can be calculated (conditioned on) another variable. tabstat allows substantial flexibility in terms of the statistics presented and the format of the table.
Enter the quantitative variable for which you want descriptive statistics under “Variables:”, check the “Group statistics by variable:” box, and fill in the name of your grouping variable in the box beneath “Group statistics by variable:”. Check the first box beside “mean” under “Statistics to display”.
This set of notes shows how to use Stata to obtain reports that display descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, median, etc.) of a quantitative 

How do I use dtable in Stata 18?

You might also compare these characteristics across groups, such as regions or fields of occupation

In Stata 18, you can use dtable to create these and many other variations of a "Table 1" and export them to many formats

For instance, we can create a table and export it to Excel: or PDF

How many people are single in Stata?

Stata will give us the following frequency table

The above table indicates that 804 people in the dataset are single, which is 35

80% of total observation

Similarly, the table also indicates that 1,442 people in the dataset are married, which is 64

20% of total observation

How to use summary statistics in Stata?

Summary Statistics (summarize) We will use the summarize command in Stata to get the basic summary statics of the variables

If you use the latest versions of Stata, you can use su instead of summarize

Summarize provides basic statistics of your data and helps us understand the essential characteristics of the variables

The tabstat command can calculate descriptive statistics within groups. tabstat read write math, by (prgtype) stat (n mean sd) tabstat write, by (prgtype) stat (n mean sd p25 p50 p75) The histogram and boxplot graphed above can both be produced separately by group, using the by option or the over option, depending on the command.To obtain a table of means for different groups, one issues the “tabstat” command, which has this syntax: tabstat <variable 1>, by(<variable 2)> This calculates (by default) the mean of “variable 1” within groups defined by “variable 2”.One way to do it is: Code: capture program drop my_summarize program define my_summarize local statistics N mean sd min max p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 summ variable_1, detail foreach s of local statistics { gen `s' = r (`s') in 1 } keep in 1 keep group `statistics' exit end runby my_summarize, by (country) verbose browseIn my blog, Creating tables of descriptive statistics in Stata 18: The new dtable command, I demonstrate how to create simple tables like the one above and more complex tables that display statistics by group, tests for differences across groups, and more.
Descriptive statistics by group in stata
Descriptive statistics by group in stata

Statistical software package

Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package developed by StataCorp for data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.
It is used by researchers in many fields, including biomedicine, economics, epidemiology, and sociology.


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