Most common descriptive statistics

  • What is the best way to present descriptive statistics?

    There are several ways of presenting descriptive statistics in your paper.
    These include graphs, central tendency, dispersion and measures of association tables.
    Graphs: Quantitative data can be graphically represented in histograms, pie charts, scatter plots, line graphs, sociograms and geographic information systems..

  • What is the most widely used statistic?

    The Mean (or average) is the most commonly used method of describing central tendency.
    The Mean is calculated from the sum of all the values divided by the total number of values..

  • The central tendency, or middle, of a distribution can be described precisely using three statistics—the mean, median, and mode.
    The mean is the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores, the median is the middle score, and the mode is the most common score.
  • The most commonly used ones are the arithmetic mean (often just called the mean) and the median.
    You may occasionally come across the mode, which is the most common frequency - for example, in the student weights data set, the mode was 50-59 kg.
The most recognized types of descriptive statistics are measures of center: the mean, median, and mode, which are used at almost all levels of math and statistics. The mean, or the average, is calculated by adding all the figures within the data set and then dividing by the number of figures within the set.
The three main types of descriptive statistics are frequency distribution, central tendency, and variability of a data set.

Why is descriptive statistics important?

It helps you explore, and understand your data, and make decisions as a consequence

Descriptive statistics techniques are one of the most widely used-tools in descriptive analytics

In this cheat sheet, you’ll have a handy guide for all the relevant descriptive statistics to guide your analysis

The three main types of descriptive statistics are frequency distribution, central tendency, and variability of a data set. The frequency distribution records how often data occurs, central tendency records the data's center point of distribution, and variability of a data set records its degree of dispersion.

There are 3 main types of descriptive statistics:

  • The distribution concerns the frequency of each value.
  • The central tendency concerns the averages of the values.
Descriptive statistics comprises three main categories – Frequency Distribution, Measures of Central Tendency, and Measures of Variability.The most common types of descriptive statistics are the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) that are used in most levels of math, research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement.This page describes graphical and pictorial methods of descriptive statistics and the three most common measures of descriptive statistics (central tendency, dispersion, and association).


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