Descriptive analysis what is it

  • How do you explain descriptive analysis?

    Descriptive analytics is the process of using current and historical data to identify trends and relationships.
    It's sometimes called the simplest form of data analysis because it describes trends and relationships but doesn't dig deeper.Nov 9, 2021.

  • What are the steps in descriptive analysis?

    Here are five steps that you can follow when conducting a descriptive analysis for a business:

    Decide the business metrics you plan on using. Collect the necessary data. Prepare the data. Analyze the data. Present the data..

  • What is meant by descriptive analytics?

    Descriptive analytics is the process of parsing historical data to better understand the changes that occur in a business..

Mar 30, 2021Descriptive Analysis is the type of analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data points in a constructive way such that patterns 

Types of Descriptive Analysis

According to, descriptive analysis can be categorized as one of four types. They are measures of frequency, central tendency

How to Do Descriptive Analysis

Like many types of data analysis, descriptive analysis can be quite open-ended. In other words, it’s up to you what you want to look for in your analysis

When to Do Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis is often used when reviewing any past or present data. This is because raw data is difficult to consume and interpret

Descriptive Analysis Example

As an example of descriptive analysis, consider an insurance company analyzing its customer base

Final Thoughts

Descriptive analysis is a popular type of data analysis. It’s often conducted before diagnostic or predictive analysis

What are examples of descriptive analytics?

Financial Statement Analysis Another example of descriptive analytics that may be familiar to you is financial statement analysis

Financial statements are periodic reports that detail financial information about a business and, together, give a holistic view of a company’s financial health

What is the difference between descriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics?

Descriptive analytics focuses on summarizing and interpreting historical data to provide insights into past events, patterns, and trends

It answers the question of "what happened?" Diagnostic analytics goes further by analyzing the causes and reasons behind the observed patterns

It aims to answer the question of "why did it happen?"

Descriptive analysis, also known as descriptive analytics or descriptive statistics, is the process of using statistical techniques to describe or summarize a set of data. As one of the major types of data analysis, descriptive analysis is popular for its ability to generate accessible insights from otherwise uninterpreted data.


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What do descriptive statistics tell us
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Descriptive statistics can be described in the following ways
Descriptive statistics cannot reveal
Descriptive statistics can also be called
Descriptive data can
Descriptive analysis cancer
Descriptive statistics do not permit
Descriptive statistics do not include which of the following
Descriptive statistics do not allow the researcher to
Descriptive statistics does not include