Descriptive statistics in google sheets

Calculating 7 Descriptive Statistics in Google Sheets
  • Mean (Average)
  • Median.
  • Mode.
  • Range.
  • Standard Deviation.
  • Coefficient of Variation.
  • Z-Score.

How do you use descriptive statistics?

These descriptive statistics help us to identify the center and spread of the data

The arithmetic mean of a variable, often called the average, is computed by adding up all the values and dividing by the total number of values

The population mean is represented by the Greek letter μ (mu)

The sample mean is represented by x̄ (x-bar)

The following example shows how to calculate the following descriptive statistics for a dataset in Google Sheets:

  • Mean (the average value)
  • Median (the middle value)
  • Mode (the most frequently occurring value)
The following example shows how to calculate the following descriptive statistics for a dataset in Google Sheets: Mean (the average value) Median (the middle value) Mode (the most frequently occurring value) Range (the difference between minimum and maximum value) Standard deviation (the spread of the values)

Mulai Cara Mengerjakan Statistik Deskriptif dengan Google Spreadseheet

  • 1) Visualisasi Data Cara mengerjakan statistik deskriptif pertama adalah menyajikan data yang dimiliki dalam bentuk visual yang menarik. ...


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